
By Hilary White

  DETROIT, April 10, 2007 ( – The Jesuit Catholic University of Detroit Mercy has agreed to meet with pro-life advocates who called the college to task for its advocacy of Planned Parenthood. In February, reported that the university’s “Career Education Center”, while the school proclaimed its status as Catholic, was referring students to the local Planned Parenthood offices for jobs.

  The UDM website still links to Planned Parenthood, the leading abortion agency in the United States, and to the abortion activist organization, National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL), under the heading, “Reproductive Rights and Sexuality.” The same page features articles titled, “Baby steps : how lesbian alternative insemination is changing the world” and “Sacred rights : the case for contraception and abortion in world religions” by the notorious Daniel Maguire.

  Catholic journalist Matt C. Abbot reported on his website March 24, that the university had agreed to meet with local pro-life advocates who were preparing to hold a peaceful protest this weekend at an Archdiocese of Detroit-sponsored conference at UDM. Abbot says the group was “under pressure” by the Archdiocese to cancel the protest.

  A spokesman from Citizens for a Pro-Life Society wrote to Abbot on March 23 that the university president, Fr. Gerard Stockhausen SJ had agreed to be present at the meeting. The communication added, “Therefore, there will be no distribution of literature tomorrow as planned. It is very important that the meeting takes place in the next 30 days. We will work hard to make sure it is facilitated. Please pray that our good efforts will indeed bear fruit.”

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