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May 26, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – American embassies around the world flew flags with the words “Black Lives Matter” yesterday after being encouraged to do so by the Biden administration.
According to a leaked memo published by Human Events News on Monday, U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken urged embassies to push Black Lives Matter messaging and authorized them to “hang BLM flags” “for calendar year 2021.”
“As outlined below, Chiefs of Mission may decide to hang BLM flags, as appropriate and depending on local context. This cable constitutes a blanket written authorization for calendar year 2021 from the Under Secretary for Management (M) to display the BLM flag on the external-facing flagpole to any Chiefs of Mission,” the memo read.
“The Department supports the use of the term ‘Black Lives Matter’ in messaging content, speeches, and other diplomatic engagements with foreign audiences to advance racial equity and access to justice on May 25 and beyond. We encourage posts to focus on the need to eliminate systemic racism and its continued impact,” it continued.
The cable was labelled for “all diplomatic and consular posts” ahead of the one-year anniversary on Tuesday of the death of Minneapolis resident George Floyd from a drug-linked heart attack while in police custody. Documents referred to in Blinken’s memo for “talking points” on racial issues include U.N. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield’s recent speech at the U.N. about the “legacy of white supremacy” in America.
U.S. embassies in multiple countries embraced the Biden administration’s guidance yesterday, flying Black Lives Matter banners in Spain, Bosnia, Greece, and Cambodia.
Embassies in Japan, Italy, and China posted messages supporting Black Lives Matter as well, American Military News reported.
“Today (May 25) is the first anniversary of the murder of George Floyd,” the U.S. Embassy in China wrote in a post translated by Google Translate. “This incident also brought more urgency, prompting the United States to reflect on its entire history of systemic racial discrimination, police accountability, and unequal treatment of blacks,” the statement said.
China is currently ethnically cleansing and systematically sterilizing the Uighur ethnic minority group, in a large-scale genocide that the Biden administration has downplayed.
The release of Secretary Blinken’s guidance comes days after new data found that approval of the Black Lives Matter movement has reached its lowest level among American voters in two years. Black Lives Matter, which rose to international prominence after George Floyd’s death, has hemorrhaged popularity amid an ongoing wave of destruction waged across U.S. cities in connection to the movement.
According to the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project, a nonprofit that tracks political violence, there were more than 500 riots linked to Black Lives Matter in the United States between May and September 2020. Just the initial weeks of rioting dealt an estimated $1-2 billion of damage, much of it to small businesses without adequate insurance, and led to the injuries of at least 2,000 police officers.
During the conflagrations, rioters and looters killed several people, including children and parents of young children, while others sieged the White House, paralyzed police officers, and tried to burn cops alive. Experts have credited the movement’s central push to “defund the police” with ultimately contributing to a homicide surge that resulted in an extra 4,000 killings last year, according to The Center Square.
Launched by homosexuals, the flagship Black Lives Matter group also espouses both Marxism and a radical pro-LGBT agenda that seeks to “disrupt” “the nuclear family.” Leading members of the movement have performed racially-charged occultic rituals in public and have called for the destruction of Christian icons.
Multiple companies that backed BLM violence now blacklisting Republicans for electoral objections
Did you know Black Lives Matter supports abortion, homosexuality, anti-family agenda?
Remember: leftist rioters killed people, ransacked D.C., while Democrats cheered them on