By Thaddeus M. Baklinski
WASHINGTON DC, February 14, 2008 ( – A rally in support of a national marriage amendment and marriage-friendly policy, organized by Alliance for Marriage Foundation (AFM) at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Denver later this year, will see key Latino leaders encourage candidates to support traditional marriage.
The Alliance for Marriage will also conduct a public relations campaign, including paid advertisements, to publicize the issue and the event.
Organizers hope to mobilize the Hispanic American community – which traditionally votes Democrat but is also strongly in favor of the marriage protection amendment – to bring about renewal “within both national political parties, but especially the Democrat party.”
“For far too long the votes of Latinos have been taken for granted,” said Rev. Sam Rodriguez, Jr., President of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference and Advisory Board Member of the Alliance for Marriage Foundation. “As our numbers grow, our influence is growing, and it is time for leaders of both parties to put protecting marriage and strong family values at the center of their agenda. Candidates like to tout ‘family values’ on the stump, but then toss our values aside when they get to Washington. We’re not going to tolerate that any more.”
The Alliance for Marriage (AFM) is an organization dedicated to promoting marriage and addressing the epidemic of fatherless families in the United States. The AFM works to educate the public, the media, elected officials, and civil society leaders on the benefits of marriage for children, adults and society. The AFM also exists to promote reforms designed to strengthen the institution of marriage and restore a culture of married fatherhood in American society.