WASHINGTON, DC, Oct 9 (LSN) – The US House of Representatives voted 296-132 to approve the partial-birth abortion ban. A slightly different version was passed by the House in March, but had to agree to changes adopted by the Senate before the measure could be sent to President Clinton. The Senate’s changes were accepted which would prohibit the controversial procedure except in cases where the woman’s life is in danger.
President Clinton has vowed anew to veto the measure. Clinton has favored including another exception for women’s health problems which pro-lifers charge would not halt any abortions since most anything could be construed as a woman’s health problem.
Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, R-Mississippi, said that supporters of the bill are close to having enough votes to override a presidential veto. Last year’s bill was struck down because the Senate was unable to override a veto. He believes that the Senate is within one or two votes of an override.
17 states have enacted similar bans on the procedure, and that 11 of these bans have been challenged in state courts.