SPRINGFIELD, IL, August 26, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) — The Catholic bishop of Springfield, Illinois, is urging America to repent for massively funding Planned Parenthood despite its eugenic roots.
“Let us ask forgiveness for our nation giving half a billion dollars every year of taxpayer money to Planned Parenthood,” said Bishop Thomas Paprocki, “founded by Margaret Sanger, a proponent of eugenics who urged Americans to ‘restrict the propagation of those physically, mentally and socially inadequate’ and said that the ‘most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.’”
Bishop Paprocki likened America today and its current prevalent disregard for unborn life to the period in history with slavery in force when President Abraham Lincoln issued a proclamation calling for a Day of National Humiliation, Fasting, and Prayer.
“President Lincoln lived in a time when many people thought that African-Americans were not fully human. The United States Supreme Court in fact declared as much in its infamously erroneous Dred Scott decision of 1857,” he said. “But in our own time the Supreme Court continues to make wrongful decisions, as it did in 1973 in Roe v. Wade in deciding that unborn babies do not deserve the protection of the law, as well as this past June in attempting to redefine marriage contrary to the plan of God as described in the Book of Genesis.”
“As a result, our nation is in need of ‘national humiliation, fasting and prayer’ now as it was in the time of President Lincoln's Proclamation,” the bishop continued.
Bishop Paprocki quoted Lincoln throughout his August 23 message, stating that we as a country have forgotten God.
“Let us humble ourselves and pray to Almighty God to forgive our sins, especially the sins of abortion, sins of racism, sins against the divine and natural law of marriage, sins of greed, gluttony, anger, envy, lust, laziness and pride.”
The Springfield prelate also quoted Ephesians 5:15, when St. Paul warned them in his letter to “watch carefully how you live.”
“He does this not because he wants to control their lives, dictating what they can and cannot do,” he said. “Rather, he provides this guidance to them so that they can experience the joy of living a Gospel-centered life.”
“St. Paul knew well that those to whom he was writing were living in a culture that was not rooted in Christian values” Bishop Paprocki continued. “The message that they were receiving from the world around them, the popular opinion if you will, is the same message being promoted today in our secular culture: to live for themselves, to strive for those things which will maximize their satisfaction and happiness. But that happiness is rooted in the things of the world, and not on those of God, which promise true and lasting joy.”
He closed his message on the country’s need for forgiveness with another passage from Ephesians (5:17), where St. Paul encourages people to “try to understand what is the will of the Lord,” so “set aside what so-called worldly knowledge and understanding propose as truth, and seek to see things from the perspective of God and his loving design for the world and human life.”
Bishop Paprocki has been a devoted supporter of life and marriage, condemning the Obama administration’s silence in the Planned Parenthood human remains trafficking scandal, conducting a public exorcism over the state of Illinois’s 2013 decision to redefine marriage and running a marathon in 2011 to raise awareness and support for life.