The Catholic News Service reports that the National Black Catholic Apostolate for Life has declared Aug. 4-5 a mobilization weekend in the black community against embryonic stem-cell research. “Black Catholics cannot and will not sit back and allow this attack on human life to go unchallenged,” said Franciscan Father Jim Goode, president of the New York-based apostolate founded in 1997. The group is asking parishes and institutions in the black community throughout the country to send letters and make phone calls to President Bush and to their representatives in Congress asking them not to fund any research that would involve the destruction of human embryos.
Bishop John J. Myers of Peoria, Ill., was named Tuesday as archbishop of Newark, the nation’s seventh-largest archdiocese. The bishop is known for his strong pro-life stands.
The Catholic Health Association has urged President Bush to continue his “courageous stance” against funding stem-cell research that involves the destruction of human embryos.