Courageous newspaper owner David Weyrich of San Luis Obispo, California has refused to publish stories or ads promoting homosexuality or abortion despite the protests of activists and the resignation of some staff. (Pro-Life E-News)
The Family Policy Network a pro-family organization used a car racing event in Daytona Beach Florida to educate race fans about race sponsor Anheuser-Busch’s (Budweiser) ongoing promotion of homosexuality throughout North America. An airplane flew a banner over 260,000 race fans who gathered to watch the race. The banner read, “BUD: STOP PROMOTING GAY AGENDA – GAYBEER.COM.”
The Clinton administration is opposing a bill which would make harming a fetus during a violent act a federal crime. Clinton is concerned about the implications of recognizing the humanity of the preborn.
The Maryland Catholic Conference of Bishops is opposing a state health care plan since a provision in the bill allows the coverage to be used for abortions.
Musicians Melissa Etheridge, Garth Brooks, Queen Latifah, George Michael, k.d. lang and the Pet Shop Boys are among the performers who are planning to appear at “Equality Rocks”, a concert being billed as the largest such event benefitting homosexual activism.