Vice President Al Gore and first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton prayed, sang and campaigned together in New York on Sunday in their first joint appearance of their respective drives for the U.S. presidency and U.S. Senate.
The Houston Chronicle reports that Texas parental consent laws are being thwarted by permissive judges who are doling out okays for abortions for minors about once a week.
The Boston Herald reports that a security guard injured in the 1994 Brookline abortion clinic shootings has sued two pro-abortion groups, (Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Federation) since they failed to award him a promised $100,000 for helping catch the shooter. (Pro-Life E-News)
Gary Bauer’s endorsement of John McCain for president last Wednesday came under criticism by his close friends. In response to the endorsement, Dr. James Dobson issued a statement on February 17 in which he “expressed disagreement” with Bauer’s endorsement of McCain since he has said he wants to change the Republican Party Platform to include exceptions for rape and incest. McCain has refused to commit to nominating Supreme Court Justices or federal judges who are pro-life, and has refused to commit to choosing a pro-life running mate. (RNC/Life)