The US Senate voted 80-17 Wednesday for a law which declares that people found to have violated laws protecting abortion clinics cannot escape fines or civil judgements against them through bankruptcy. The courts have ordered Operation Rescue’s Terry to pay abortionists $1.6 million for his abortuary protests.
A story in the Wichita Eagle distributed by Pro-Life E-News indicates that Rep. Thomas Klein, a pro-abortion Kansas legislator has proposed lowering the abortion rate by giving women who place their babies up for adoption a $5,000 tax credit.
A New Jersey couple has lost their septuplets after 5 months. Fred and Ivette Zapata-Smalls refused their doctor’s suggestion to abort four of the seven babies she was carrying. They are relying on their Christian faith to get them through the crisis.
The Times of London reports today that the whole US Army from private to four star general will undergo “sensitivity training” aimed at getting rid of “homophobic harassment”.