
SENATOR STROM THURMOND SUPPORTS CLONING RESEARCH CNN reported Friday that “Sen. Strom Thurmond became the second Republican opponent of abortion rights this week to split with the Bush administration, signing onto a bill that would ban most human cloning but allow an exception for research purposes. The 99-year-old senator followed the lead of conservative Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah, who threw his support behind the legislation earlier this week.”   HIDE THE CHILDREN The latest syndicated columns by conservative columnist and TV commentator Bill O’Reilly and Dr. Laura Schlessinger discuss some of the risks to children in today’s increasingly libertine society. They particularly focus on the growing movement to sanction adult sex with children.   BUSH STANDS WITH CALIFORNIA’S PRO-LIFE CANDIDATE FOR GOVERNOR American conservatives were initially concerned that President George Bush and the Republican Party machine would leave the California Republican candidate for governor, William Simon Jr., out in the cold because they didn’t support him in the nomination race and many in the GOP are said to feel uncomfortable with Mr. Simon’s strong conservatism, including his pro-life views. President Bush’s visit to the state last week to help the Simon campaign has dispelled many of their concerns, according to an article in WorldNetDaily and Human Events.   WILL PLANNED PARENTHOOD APOLOGIZE FOR EUGENIC PAST?  “The public apology by Virginia’s governor for the state’s role in the ‘eugenics’ movement has created an opportunity for conservatives to criticize the Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA),” reports Cybercast News Service today. “Ed Szymkowiak, a spokesman for STOPP International, a subsidiary organization of the American Life League, said PPFA continues to use Sanger’s name at its awards dinners. He called on PPFA to issue its own apology.”