WASHINGTON, December 3, 2002 (LifeSiteNews.com) – The U.S. Supreme Court has brought to a definitive close the pro-abortion legal campaign to block specialty car licence plates in Louisiana with the slogan “Choose Life”. The plates also have a silhouette of a baby wrapped in a blanket carried in the beak of a brown pelican, the state bird.
The Justices on Monday refused without comment to review an appeal by the plates’ opponents of a ruling earlier this year by the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals which said the groups did not have standing to sue.
Tracey Green, a South Carolina assistant deputy state attorney general, argued that similar South Carolina plates do not represent one-sided free speech for pro-lifers. She said they represent “government” speech “and communicate the state’s oft-expressed preference for child birth over abortion.” Louisiana is one of seven states—including Alabama, Florida, Hawaii, Mississippi, Oklahoma and South Carolina—that authorize such plates, whose popularity is spreading. For more information about the plates see: https://www.chooselifela.org. For media coverage see: https://www.nola.com/newsflash/louisiana/index.ssf?/cgi-free/getstory_ssf.cgi?n2938_BC_Scotus-AbortionLicens&&news&newsflash-louisiana https://www.theadvocate.com/stories/082302/new_choose001.shtml https://www.lifesitenews.com/ldn/2002/oct/02100305.html