WASHINGTON, D.C., March 24, 2003 (LifeSiteNews.com) – In an article in the March 13 Wanderer, Martha Kleder, a policy analyst for Culture and Family Report, warns that U.S. “women are closer than ever to facing a military draft”. Kleder bases her conclusion on the fact that “the legal line barring women from a military draft has been severely smudged over the past decade” and has been influenced by “feminist policies that ‘redefined combat’ in an effort to place women closer to the front lines”. The article also notes that women serve on all naval vessels except submarines and 98% of Air Force jobs are open to them. Women are increasingly being used to fill battlefield vacancies – against regulations – as reported in the Washington Post in 1997. Kleder recalls that 13 women were killed in a scud attack in the 1991 Gulf war. Since that time the percentage of women in U.S. forces has climbed from 9% to 15%, as a result of further rule bending. The Culture and Family Report writer and former airman first class says that “feminists say they want the percentage of women in the military to reach 25%”. “It’s only a matter of time before all military jobs are open to women” is said to be a common phrase heard from some of today’s female service members. The situation has gotten so bad notes Kleder, that “many children are being left with friends and family” as both their parents go to war. Many parents would likely shudder to think that their young daughters might be conscripted to be turned into professional killers for battlefield assignments. The concepts of motherhood, femininity and women being the heart of the family and a complementary balance to male aggressiveness would all be undermined by a militarization of women. The deliberate destruction of traditional gender roles and differences has been aggressively pushed for decades by radical feminists and pro-abortion, population control elites. Part of the Wanderer story is available on the front page only acrobat file at https://thewandererpress.com/march1303.pdf
Feminists want 25% of military to be women