Recent US News

In Wake of Abortion Death, Groups Call for Revocation of Maryland Abortionist’s License

BALTIMORE, MD, June 1, 2010 ( - Pro-Life groups are calling for the Maryland Board of Physicians (MBP) to revoke the medical license of abortionist Romeo Ferrer at a disciplinary hearing tomorrow concerning the abortion death of a woman in 2006. “It is shocking that this abortionist has been allowed to continue endangering women for four years while the fact that he killed one of his patients was concealed from the public,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “We urge the Maryland Board of Physicians to act decisively tomorrow to protect women from further harm by revoking Ferrer's medical license.” On February 3, […]

Kagan Calls Extreme Activist Liberal Judge ‘My Judicial Hero’

Thursday May 27, 2010 Kagan Calls Extreme Activist Liberal Judge ‘My Judicial Hero’ By Kathleen Gilbert WASHINGTON, D.C., May 27, 2010 ( – Conservatives are raising the alarm after it was revealed that U.S. Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan once hailed an Israeli judge famous for his aggressive judicial activism as “my judicial hero.” Aharon Barak, the former president of the Supreme Court of Israel, received glowing praise from Kagan when she introduced him for a Harvard University award ceremony in September 2006. “He is the judge who has best advanced democracy, human rights, the rule of law and justice,” […]

Gary Coleman’s Quick Removal off Life Support and Resulting Death Raises Questions

Commentary by Matthew Cullinan Hoffman   May 31, 2010 ( – The death of Gary Coleman has elicited reactions of surprise and sadness from Americans who had come to know and love the actor through his role on the popular situation comedy Diff'rent Strokes during the late 70s and early 80s.   However, what is not being discussed in the mainstream media, what is being assiduously avoided, are the obvious questions: is it certain how Coleman sustained his deadly head injury, and why did his wife “pull the plug” on her husband only hours after he was put on life support, and only […]

‘Telemed’ Abortions Under Investigation in Iowa

Tuesday May 4, 2010 ‘Telemed’ Abortions Under Investigation in Iowa DES MOINES, Iowa, May 4, 2010 ( – The Iowa Medical Board is now investigating the “care and treatment” practices of abortionist Susan Haskell and Planned Parenthood of the Heartland, who have been accused of conducting medical abortions without a physician present, reports Operation Rescue. The investigation, which Operation Rescue (OR) said it was notified of in writing, is in response to complaints filed by OR Senior Policy Advisor Cheryl Sullenger concerning “Telemed” abortions. “Telemed” is short for telemedicine, a practice in which the patient consults with a physician over […]

Major Pro-Life Abortion Law Changes Underway in Louisiana

Thursday May 27, 2010 Major Pro-Life Abortion Law Changes Underway in Louisiana By Peter J. Smith BATON ROUGE, Louisiana, May 27, 2010 ( – The Louisiana State House is poised to approve two pieces of pro-life legislation. One of the bills would opt the state out of the national health care reform’s abortion mandates, while the other would empower the state’s health secretary to shut down the operations of all abortion clinics run by the same owner, when one clinic is found in violation of state law. The Senate Health and Welfare Committee approved H.B. 1370, without amendment. The measure […]

Following Bishops, Catholic Charities USA Pulls out of Pro-Kagan Group

Thursday May 27, 2010 Following Bishops, Catholic Charities USA Pulls out of Pro-Kagan Group By Kathleen Gilbert WASHINGTON, D.C., May 27, 2010 ( – Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) has quietly pulled out of a pro-abortion, pro-homosexuality group after it was revealed that the organization, which also numbered the U.S. bishops among its members, had published a video advertisement endorsing pro-abortion Supreme Court candidate Elena Kagan. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) had pulled out of the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights (LCCR) shortly after Deal Hudson of Catholic Advocate and revealed the affiliation earlier this month. […]

Oklahoma Voters May Nullify Fed Health Care Law in November

Wednesday May 26, 2010 Oklahoma Voters May Nullify Fed Health Care Law in November By Peter J. Smith OKLAHOMA CITY, Oklahoma, May 26, 2010 ( – Voters in Oklahoma will be given a chance in November to decide whether they want to reject the core of the recently-enacted national health care reform, which includes taxpayer-funded abortion and requires individuals to buy health insurance or pay a penalty, thanks to a legislative action that bypassed the objections of pro-abortion Democrat Gov. Brad Henry. The state’s House of Representatives approved Senate Joint Resolution 59 with a strong bipartisan majority of 88-9. SJR […]

Naples, Florida Planned Parenthood Patient Rushed to Hospital

Wednesday May 26, 2010 Naples, Florida Planned Parenthood Patient Rushed to Hospital By Kathleen Gilbert NAPLES, Florida, May 26, 2010 ( – A possible botched-abortion victim had to be transported from a Naples abortion clinic by ambulance on Monday, as abortion clinic workers blocked the patient from view with a black tarp, reported the Naples Daily News. The regular crowd of pro-life witnesses watched in dismay as the victim, a patient at Planned Parenthood of Collier County, was transported to an area hospital in the early afternoon hours. Photographs submitted to the local newspaper show abortion clinic workers holding up […]

Massive “Abortion Changes You” Campaign Greets New York Subway Riders

Thursday March 11, 2010 Massive “Abortion Changes You” Campaign Greets New York Subway Riders By Peter J. Smith NEW YORK, March 11, 2010 ( – Every day for the next four weeks passengers on New York City’s subway system will be encountering a message that is hard to escape: “abortion changes you.” Spread throughout the subway trains and stations of the “Big Apple” are 2,000 posters that offer millions of daily riders a “safe place” for them to work out emotional struggles they may have after an abortion. The campaign has nothing to do with politics: pro-life vs. pro-choice, or […]