Recent US News

Colorado Abortionists Launch Campaign against Personhood Ballot Initiative

Friday September 3, 2010 Colorado Abortionists Launch Campaign against Personhood Ballot Initiative By Kathleen Gilbert DENVER, Colorado, September 3, 2010 ( – Planned Parenthood and pro-abortion medical practitioners this week kicked off a campaign to snuff out the Colorado Personhood initiative, which aims to extend personhood to all human beings from the beginning of their biological development, as it heads to voters in November. Amendment 62, which has been certified for Colorado’s ballot once again after a failed attempt in 2008, has drawn vitriol from abortion groups eager to dismiss embryonic human life as “fertilized eggs” unworthy of the dignity […]

Catholic College Rejects Homosexualist Group for Nonprofit Fair

Tuesday September 7, 2010 Catholic College Rejects Homosexualist Group for Nonprofit Fair By Kathleen Gilbert AUSTIN, Texas, September 7, 2010 ( – A Catholic liberal arts college has rejected the application of a local homosexualist group to participate in a campus nonprofit internship fair, because the group’s views directly conflicted with Catholic moral teaching. However, the school’s own homosexual support group has said it is “investigating” the affair. The student newspaper Hilltop Views reported last week that Equality Texas, a local lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) advocacy group, had applied to recruit students at the Internship Fair for the coming […]

Schwarzenegger, California AG Can Stay Out of Prop. 8 Fight: State Supreme Court

By Peter J. Smith SAN FRANCISCO, September 10, 2010 ( – The California Supreme Court has turned down a request from attorneys to mandate that California’s governor and attorney general represent the state in the federal legal battle over Proposition 8. Late Thursday, the California Supreme Court denied a petition filed by Pacific Justice Institute to require Governor Schwarzenegger and Attorney General Jerry Brown to defend Prop. 8. In August, Chief U.S. District Court Judge Vaughn Walker in San Francisco decided to overturn Proposition 8, the voter-approved state constitutional amendment defining marriage as between one man and one woman, on […]

New Jersey Right to Life Warned of Interstate Abortionist Caught after Severely Botched Abortion

By Kathleen Gilbert Edited 9:49am EST 9.11.10 PISCATAWAY, New Jersey, September 10, 2010 ( – After a botched abortion in Maryland revealed the illegal interstate practice of a New Jersey abortionist, New Jersey officials have filed documents to suspend the medical license of a man whose suspicious activities New Jersey Right to Life had warned about weeks ago.   In a July 23 letter, New Jersey Right to Life executive director Marie Tasy requested that New Jersey Attorney General Paula Dow investigate Steven Chase Brigham's six New Jersey abortion facility following news of a crackdown on Brigham's four Pennsylvania clinics. […]

Catholic Alverno College Hosts Links to Pro-Abort, Homosexualist Groups

Tuesday June 22, 2010 Catholic Alverno College Hosts Links to Pro-Abort, Homosexualist Groups By Kathleen Gilbert MILWAUKEE, Wisconsin, June 22, 2010 ( – A conservative student group has launched a protest against Alverno College, a Catholic educational institution for women, whose research division directs online visitors to several pro-abortion and homosexualist groups. TFP (Tradition, Family, Property) Student Action launched the peaceful protest after discovering links to extreme pro-abortion groups including the National Organization for Women, the Center for Reproductive Rights, EMILY’s List, and the Feminist Majority Foundation, on the resource page of the Alverno College Research Center for Women and […]

Embryo Research Can Continue Pending Lawsuit: D.C. Appeals Court

By Peter J. Smith WASHINGTON, D.C., September 9, 2010 ( – The U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington has stayed a federal judge’s temporary injunction on the National Institute of Health’s (NIH) embryo-destroying stem-cell research, while that judge continues to review the case. Earlier U.S. District Chief Judge Royce Lamberth had denied the U.S. Justice Department’s request to stay his order that human embryonic stem cell (hESC) research projects funded by the NIH violate an “unambiguous” U.S. statute, the Dickey-Wicker amendment, which prohibits federal dollars from going to research that destroys human embryos.  “The purpose of this administrative stay is to give […]

Catholics For Equality Co-Founder: Pope is a Closeted Homosexual, ‘Childish Idiot’

By Kathleen Gilbert MANHATTAN, New York, September 3, 2010 ( – One board member of the up-and-coming group “Catholics for Equality,” which aims to spread the homosexualist agenda among the Catholic community, is an ex-priest who has called Pope Benedict XVI a “childish idiot” and a closet homosexual. (Read more about Catholics for Equality here) Tony Adams, a writer and commentator within the homosexualist community, is listed as a founding board member of “Catholics for Equality” on its website. Adams, who changed his last name after “marrying” his male partner, regularly writes for South Florida Gay News, maintains his own blog […]

Louisiana Abortion Clinic Shut Down for Ignoring “Most Basic” Medical Practices

By Peter J. Smith SHREVEPORT, Louisiana, September 7, 2010 ( – The Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals has invoked its authority under a new law to suspend the operations of an abortion facility after an investigation showed that it was endangering women’s lives by giving them substandard care. According to the Shreveport Times, the DHH revoked the operating license of Hope Medical Group for Women in Shreveport, after agents found the abortion facility’s staff failed to provide women a physical examination prior to abortions, or follow necessary protocols for the administration of anesthesia and monitoring their clients’ vital signs. […]

Princeton Conference Aims at Fair Debate Between Pro-Life and Anti-Life Advocates

By Peter J. Smith PRINCETON, New Jersey, September 7, 2010 ( – Organizers of an unusual conference designed to bring abortion supporters and pro-life advocates together for a productive dialogue say they are hoping for greater pro-life participation in the event. So far only a small proportion of the conference’s registered attendees, which will feature prominent pro-life as well as pro-abortion speakers, identify themselves as pro-life advocates. Organizers of the Princeton University conference say the event is intended to initiate a thought-provoking dialogue that will encourage mutual respect, emphasize points of commonality, and bring about deeper understanding of the issues surrounding abortion. […]

Texas Court Upholds Ban on Gay ‘Marriage’

Friday September 3, 2010 Texas Court Upholds Ban on Gay ‘Marriage’ By Peter J. Smith DALLAS, Texas, September 3, 2010 ( – A Texas appeals court has struck down a trial court’s ruling Tuesday that the state’s ban on same-sex “marriage” violated the rights of a homosexual couple seeking a divorce. The court declared that “the natural ability to procreate” constituted the rational basis to restrict marriage to a man and a woman. The Court of Appeals for the 5th District of Texas struck down the previous ruling that said that two homosexual plaintiffs married in Massachusetts, identified as J.B. […]