Recent US News

A.L.L. Joins International Call for Ban on In Vitro Technologies

By Kathleen Gilbert Washington, D.C., June 22, 2010 ( – The American Life League joined the U.K.'s Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) on Monday calling for a ban on all in vitro fertilization (IVF) practices. IVF routinely involves the massive loss of human life as “excess” embryonic children are discarded, frozen indefinitely, or fall victim to “selective termination” following implantation. “We know that IVF kills preborn children. We know that IVF can cause severe birth defects in those children lucky enough to be brought to term. It is time for a ban on this barbaric practice,” said Judie […]

Decision to Pull Plug on Gary Coleman Contradicted Living Will

Friday June 18, 2010 Decision to Pull Plug on Gary Coleman Contradicted Living Will By Matthew Cullinan Hoffman June 16, 2010 ( – Former Diff’rent Strokes star Gary Coleman’s ex-wife decided to “pull the plug” on her husband after a head injury, contradicting his desires as expressed in a living will signed several years earlier, according to reports in Britain’s Sun newspaper, the New York Daily News, and other major media. Coleman reportedly checked a box in his living will, which dates from 2006, with the label “choice to prolong life” and the description “I want my life to be […]

Bishop Lynch Butts Heads with Cardinal George over Bishops’ Authority

Thursday June 17, 2010 Bishop Lynch Butts Heads with Cardinal George over Bishops’ Authority By Kathleen Gilbert ST. PETERSBURG, Florida, June 17, 2010 ( – One bishop on the board of the pro-ObamaCare Catholic Health Association (CHA) has contended that U.S. bishops do not have authority to state the official Catholic position on a given piece of legislation. The remarks put Bishop Robert Lynch of St. Petersburg in apparent conflict with the position of the current head of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), Cardinal Francis George of Chicago. Cardinal George has maintained the USCCB’s position against the […]

Southern Baptists Leaders Resolve to Rekindle Family Life, Condemn Divorce

Friday June 18, 2010 Southern Baptists Leaders Resolve to Rekindle Family Life, Condemn Divorce By Peter J. Smith ORLANDO, Florida, June 18, 2010 ( – On the last day of their annual meeting, U.S. leaders of Southern Baptists, a Christian denomination boasting 16.16 million members, approved resolutions of recommittment to vigorously promoting the institution of marriage and the family in their churches. The Baptist leaders especially condemned the scandal of divorce and legislative attempts to normalize homosexuality in the military and the workplace. More than 11,000 church delegates or “messengers” from across the U.S. attended the 153rd annual meeting of […]

Michigan Bill Demands Abortionists Give Women Best Ultrasound Images

Friday June 18, 2010 Michigan Bill Demands Abortionists Give Women Best Ultrasound Images By Peter J. Smith Updated: 06/18/10, 6:22pm EST LANSING, Michigan, June 18, 2010 ( – The Michigan Senate Judiciary Committee is considering a measure to tighten up the state’s informed consent laws. The bill would mandate that mothers seeking an abortion receive high quality images of their unborn babies from the best ultrasound equipment available at the abortion facility. Under Michigan’s 2006 informed consent law, abortionists are required to give an ultrasound examination to a mother seeking an abortion, and must give her the option to view […]

Prop 8 Trial Wraps up with Grim Prospects for Marriage Defenders

Thursday June 17, 2010 Prop 8 Trial Wraps up with Grim Prospects for Marriage Defenders By Kathleen Gilbert SAN FRANCISCO, June 17, 2010 ( – The closing arguments of the trial against California’s Proposition 8 finished Wednesday with little fanfare. Now both sides can only wait for the verdict, which pro-family leaders expect will overturn the voter-approved constitutional amendment upholding marriage as between a man and a woman. As protesters waved placards outside the courtroom, representatives of both sides largely rehashed the testimony and arguments already presented to the judge throughout the trial, during a 5-hour long concluding session. Opponents […]

Congress to Vote on DISCLOSE Act – Condemned by Pro-Life, Pro-Family Groups

Thursday June 17, 2010 Congress to Vote on DISCLOSE Act – Condemned by Pro-Life, Pro-Family Groups By Peter J. Smith WASHINGTON, D.C., June 17, 2010 ( – The Democrat-controlled U.S. Congress is preparing to vote on a new campaign finance bill, the so-called “Democracy is Strengthened by Casting Light on Spending in Elections (DISCLOSE) Act.” Pro-life and pro-family groups are feverishly campaigning against the act, saying it will have a chilling effect on political free speech, especially with mid-term elections just around the corner. The House Rules Committee is scheduled to mark up the DISCLOSE Act (HR 5175), sponsored by […]

Caught in the LifeLight: LSN Interviews Lila Rose

Thursday June 17, 2010 Caught in the LifeLight: LSN Interviews Lila Rose By Peter J. Smith WASHINGTON, D.C., June 16, 2010 ( – Few youth have managed to captivate so completely the pro-life movement as Lila Rose, whose courageous undercover investigative work has helped to blow the lid on a culture of illegality and deception at Planned Parenthood facilities. Rose is President of Live Action Films, the group that has conducted investigative stings of abortion centers and released videos to the public documenting their devastating findings. The 20-year-old pro-life heroine displayed an eloquent clarity and confidence at Wednesday’s press conference […]

USCCB Pro-life Chair Slams FDA for Approving Abortion Drug Ella as ‘Emergency Contraception’

WASHINGTON, D.C., June 21, 2010 ( – The chairman of the U.S. bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities voiced “grave concern” to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) over its move toward approving a new drug, which pro-life leaders say would induce early abortions, as an “emergency contraceptive.” In a June 17 letter to Dr. Margaret Hamburg, Commissioner of the FDA, Cardinal Daniel DiNardo of Galveston-Houston criticized the FDA’s move to hold an advisory committee meeting on the drug Ulipristal, sold under the brand name Ella, “without broad public input or a full record on the drug’s safety for women […]