Recent US News

Coulter Dropped from Event for Appearance at Homosexualist Event

Thursday August 19, 2010 Coulter Dropped from Event for Appearance at Homosexualist Event By James Tillman August 19, 2010 ( – Anne Coulter has been dropped from speaking at WorldNetDaily’s “Taking America Back National Conference” after it was announced that she would speak at “HomoCon,” a party hosted by the self-proclaimed “gay conservative” organization GOProud. Coulter, who is well known for her unrestrained tongue, responded in an email to the Daily Caller by saying that WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah was dropping her for the sake of “publicity alone.” “Attack [A]nn [C]oulter, get publicity,” the email stated. “[L]iberals figured that out […]

Obama Administration Stonewalls Full Release of Major Abstinence Study

Thursday August 19, 2010 Obama Administration Stonewalls Full Release of Major Abstinence Study By Peter J. Smith WASHINGTON, D.C., August 19, 2010 ( – The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is withholding the full results of a government study that makes a strong case for promoting abstinence before marriage over sexual education promoting “safe sex.” While the executive summary and final results are available, behavioral scientists are not being allowed a look at all the data behind the study’s major findings. The HHS’s Administration for Children and Families (ACF) funded a national survey of 1,000 adolescents between the […]

Motion Filed Demanding Illinois Supreme Court Rule on Parental Notice Law

Friday August 20, 2010 Motion Filed Demanding Illinois Supreme Court Rule on Parental Notice Law By Peter J. Smith CHICAGO, August 20, 2010 ( – Exasperated with Illinois’ parental notice law going unenforced for 15 years since its initial passage, pro-life attorneys are demanding the state Supreme Court intervene once and for all, so that the law can go into effect. Attorneys for the Thomas More Society filed a motion with the Illinois Supreme Court Thursday morning requesting an immediate transfer of the legal case, which has embroiled the Illinois Parental Notice of Abortion Act of 1995, from the Appellate […]

After 30 Years on Air, Dr. Laura to End Radio Show

Wednesday August 18, 2010 After 30 Years on Air, Dr. Laura to End Radio Show By Kathleen Gilbert BROOKLYN, New York, August 18, 2010 ( – Dr. Laura Schlessinger, America’s top-rated female syndicated radio talk show host, relied on by countless listeners for sound relationship advice and moral guidance, has announced that she is ending her radio talk show and pursuing new venues after becoming fed up with what she says are attempts to silence her message. The announcement came during the pro-family radio star’s appearance on Larry King Live that aired Tuesday, and was prompted by a controversy that […]

Planned Parenthood Pulls Name from Troubled Golden Gate Affiliate

Tuesday August 10, 2010 Planned Parenthood Pulls Name from Troubled Golden Gate Affiliate By Kathleen Gilbert SAN FRANCISCO, August 10, 2010 ( – Planned Parenthood Golden Gate (PPGG), notorious for its involvement in the RU-486 death of Holly Anderson as well as the production of offensive television advertisements promoting contraception to teens, will lose its affiliation with the abortion giant for reasons that have not been made clear. Last week, the Bay Citizen reported that the Planned Parenthood Federation of America board had voted to revoke their trademark from the affiliate. Karen Ruffato, PPFA vice president of affiliate services, said […]

Polling Director: Polls Stating Americans Support Gay Marriage Untrustworthy

Tuesday August 17, 2010 Polling Director: Polls Stating Americans Support Gay Marriage Untrustworthy August 17, 2010 ( – According to Tom Jensen, director of the North-Carolina based Public Policy Polling (PPP), polls finding that a majority of Americans support homosexual “marriage” cannot be trusted because Americans are sometimes hesitant to state their position before a live interviewer who may judge them to be intolerant. Earlier this month a CNN poll found that 52% of Americans thought that homosexuals should have the constitutional right to marry; 46% said the Constitution should not give that right. Public Policy Polling’s latest survey however, […]

ADF & Liberty Counsel at Odds over Prop. 8 Trial

Tuesday August 17, 2010 ADF & Liberty Counsel at Odds over Prop. 8 Trial By James Tillman August 17, 2010 ( – In the wake of Judge Vaughn Walker’s controversial decision finding Proposition 8 (California’s constitutional amendment protecting true marriage) unconstitutional, an internal spat has broken out between two different Christian legal societies about the manner in which the defense of Prop. 8 was handled. Both the Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) and Liberty Counsel (LC) are dedicated to promoting religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, and family values. Thus, when California Attorney General Jerry Brown decided not to defend […]

Federal Appeals Court Intervenes in Prop. 8, Halts California Gay ‘Marriages’

Monday August 16, 2010 Federal Appeals Court Intervenes in Prop. 8, Halts California Gay ‘Marriages’ By Peter J. Smith and Kathleen Gilbert Updated 9:13pm EST SAN FRANCISCO, August 16, 2010 ( – The 9th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals intervened in the battle over Proposition 8 Monday afternoon, and gave an order preventing California officials from issuing marriage licenses to homosexual couples until they can hear the case. The stay from the three judge panel of the appeals court blocked Chief U.S. District Court Judge Vaughn Walker’s decision overturning Proposition 8, the voter-approved state constitutional amendment defining marriage as between […]

President Obama to Speak at Catholic Xavier U.

Monday August 16, 2010 President Obama to Speak at Catholic Xavier U. By Kathleen Gilbert NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana, August 16, 2010 ( – President Obama is slated to speak at Louisiana’s Xavier University, a Catholic institution of higher education, to mark the fifth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina August 29. Xavier President Dr. Norman Francis said the school was “pleased and grateful” at Obama’s decision to visit the campus. “Mr. Obama will get to see firsthand why we are so proud of the progress we have made here at Xavier during the five years since Katrina, not only restoring our campus […]

Fallout Continues from ELCA’s Gay Clergy Decision as Lutheran Churches Leave

Monday August 16, 2010 Fallout Continues from ELCA’s Gay Clergy Decision as Lutheran Churches Leave By Peter J. Smith CHICAGO, August 16, 2010 ( – The departure of several more congregations in central Illinois from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has once again highlighted how the denomination’s decision to approve active homosexual clergy has triggered a slow, steady bleeding of congregations. One year ago this month at its national convention, the ELCA voted “to open the ministry of the church to gay and lesbian pastors and other professional workers living in committed relationships.” The policy change was decided by […]