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Uproar after Catholic Marquette U. Rescinds Job Offer to Homosexualist Prof

Thursday May 13, 2010 Uproar after Catholic Marquette U. Rescinds Job Offer to Homosexualist Prof By James Tillman MILWAUKEE, Wisconsin, May 13, 2010 ( — An uproar among homosexualist forces has ensued after Marquette University President Father Robert Wild withdrew a job offered to an openly lesbian professor, citing her academic writings’ sexually explicit content as out of line with Catholic teaching. According to some reports, Milwaukee Archboshop Jerome Listecki’s input on the matter was a key influence his decision to withdraw the offer. Jodi O’Brien, who is currently a Sociology professor at Seattle University, which is also a Jesuit […]

Southern California Pro-Life Walk Aims to ‘Celebrate All Life’

Friday May 14, 2010 Southern California Pro-Life Walk Aims to ‘Celebrate All Life’ SIMI VALLEY, CA, May 14, 2010 ( – On May 22, Celebrate All Life, a new pro-life group, will celebrate its first annual Interfaith Pro-Life Walk and Festival in Simi Valley, California. The event, which runs 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, is meant to be a celebration of life that crosses political, theological, and ideological boundaries. According to its website, the walk and festival “was born of the idea that the Life Movement could benefit from more positive representation in a setting that not only espoused […]

AUL: Kagan Donated to Pro-Abort Group

Thursday May 13, 2010 AUL: Kagan Donated to Pro-Abort Group By Kathleen Gilbert WASHINGTON, D.C., May 13, 2010 ( – While Soliciter General Elena Kagan has been touted by many in the media as a “moderate” pick for the Supreme Court, even on the volatile issue of abortion, Kagan has revealed her pro-abortion loyalties by contributing financially to the pro-abortion National Partnership for Women and Families (NPWF), reported Americans United for Life Wednesday. NPWF, according to its own website, works “to increase women’s access to quality, confidential reproductive health services and block attempts to limit reproductive rights and reverse hard-won […]

Memo Shows Kagan Helped Clinton-Era Defeat of Partial Birth Abortion Ban

Wednesday May 12, 2010 Memo Shows Kagan Helped Clinton-Era Defeat of Partial Birth Abortion Ban By Peter J. Smith WASHINGTON, D.C., May 11, 2010 ( – Contrary to media reports, a memo authored by Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan for President Bill Clinton reveals that she actually helped the White House defeat a Congressional ban on partial-birth abortion in 1997, rather than upholding a pro-life position. Both the Associated Press, which unearthed the memo from the Clinton Library archives, and Washington Post gave the impression that the May 13, 1997 memo authored by Kagan and Bruce Reed, President Bill Clinton’s […]

K of C Cancels Pro-Abort NARAL Event after Priests Resign in Protest

Wednesday May 12, 2010 K of C Cancels Pro-Abort NARAL Event after Priests Resign in Protest By Kathleen Gilbert PORTSMOUTH, New Hampshire, May 12, 2010 ( – A fundraiser for abortion lobby giant NARAL, slated to occur at a New Hampshire function center jointly owned by the Knights of Columbus, has been cancelled after two priests resigned from the local chapter of the Catholic fraternity in protest, reports the Portsmouth Herald. Local Catholics reacted in shock after it was discovered that NARAL Pro-Choice New Hampshire was scheduled to hold the event, titled “Choice Chocolate 2010: Celebrating Your Choice for 25 […]

Nebraska Moves Ahead with Abortion Ban Based on Fetal Pain

Thursday April 8, 2010 Nebraska Moves Ahead with Abortion Ban Based on Fetal Pain By Peter J. Smith OMAHA, Nebraska, April 8, 2010 ( – The Nebraska legislature is getting ready for its second vote on a measure that would ban abortion after 20 weeks gestation on the basis of fetal pain. If passed and signed into law, the legislation could pose a direct challenge to the 1973 Roe v. Wade case, because it applies a different standard for restricting abortion than the one used by the Supreme Court. The “Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act” (LB 1103), authored by […]

Historic Fetal Pain Bill Passes 2nd Reading in Neb. Legislature

Friday April 9, 2010 Historic Fetal Pain Bill Passes 2nd Reading in Neb. Legislature Updated 5:47 EST OMAHA, Nebraska, April 9, 2010 ( – The Nebraska legislature on Friday gave its second approval to a bill that would ban abortions after 20 weeks gestation, when pre-born babies are known to feel pain. The bill is now expected to undergo final approval within the next several days, before going to the governor’s desk for his signature. The bill provides what may be the first direct challenge to Roe v. Wade, which in 1973 established a “right” to unrestricted abortion until fetal […]

Poll Finds 33% Favor Kagan for Supreme Court, 33% Oppose, 34% Unsure

Tuesday May 11, 2010 Poll Finds 33% Favor Kagan for Supreme Court, 33% Oppose, 34% Unsure By Kathleen Gilbert WASHINGTON, D.C., May 11, 2010 ( – A nearly perfect divide has split U.S. voters over Solicitor General Elena Kagan’s eligibility as the next Supreme Court Justice, according to a Rasmussen Reports Survey released Tuesday. Taken the night after President Obama announced the pro-abortion, pro-homosexuality Kagan as his nominee to replace retiring Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens, the survey found 33 percent of U.S. voters favoring Kagan for the position, 33 percent opposing, and 34 percent uncertain. Nonetheless, most were […]

Controversial Mojave Desert Cross Stolen

Tuesday May 11, 2010 Controversial Mojave Desert Cross Stolen By Kathleen Gilbert LOS ANGELES, May 11, 2010 ( – Less than two weeks after the U.S. Supreme Court upheld a cross display in the Mojave Desert, the 75-year-old landmark has been stolen, reported the National Park Service Monday. Mojave National Preserve officials discovered Monday that the 7-foot cross had been stolen, and the metal bolts anchoring the cross cut off, National Park Service spokeswoman Linda Slater said. A wooden cross was originally erected on the spot in 1934 by the Veterans of Foreign Wars, with a plaque stating, “The Cross, […]

Oklahoma Senate Sends Abortion Reporting Law to Governor’s Desk

Tuesday May 11, 2010 Oklahoma Senate Sends Abortion Reporting Law to Governor’s Desk By John Jalsevac May 11, 2010 ( – The deluge of pro-life legislation in Oklahoma has continued after the state Senate on Tuesday voted to pass a controversial abortion reporting law, and sent it on to the governor’s desk. The Senate voted 32-11 to approve House Bill 3284, known as the “Statistical Abortion Reporting Act,” which had already been approved by the House in an overwhelming 88-8 vote. HB 3284 mandates the reporting of all abortions performed in Oklahoma, the reasons abortions are sought, and the complications […]