Recent US News

USCCB to Congress: Time to Reform the Health Reform

Friday May 21, 2010 USCCB to Congress: Time to Reform the Health Reform By James Tillman WASHINGTON, DC, May 21, 2010 ( – Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo, Chairman of the Committee on Pro-Life Activities of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), has written an open letter to Congress in which he urges legislators to pass H.R. 5111, the Protect Life Act. The bill would help reform the health care reform law to remedy what the USCCB and pro-life groups say are the profound flaws in its treatment of abortion and conscience rights. Cardinal DiNardo’s letter outlines what he […]

Louisiana Senate Overwhelmingly Advances Ultrasound Mandate for Abortion

Thursday May 20, 2010 Louisiana Senate Overwhelmingly Advances Ultrasound Mandate for Abortion By Peter J. Smith BATON ROUGE, Louisiana, May 20, 2010 ( – Senators in Louisiana overwhelmingly approved legislation on Tuesday that seeks to expand the requirements of informed consent by mandating abortionists perform an ultrasound on a mother seeking an abortion. The bill is similar to one that was recently passed in Oklahoma. The Senate voted 33-4 for the bill (SB 528), which was sponsored by Sen. Sharon Broome (D-Baton Rouge), and developed with the aid of the Louisiana Right to Life Federation and the Bioethics Defense Fund. […]

Catholic Doctors Support Ariz. Bishop’s Rebuke of Nun over Abortion

Wednesday May 19, 2010 Catholic Doctors Support Ariz. Bishop’s Rebuke of Nun over Abortion By Kathleen Gilbert PHOENIX, Arizona, May 19, 2010 ( – The Catholic Physicians Guild of Phoenix has come out in support of Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted, who expressed outrage that a nun administrator at a Catholic hospital in his diocese permitted a direct abortion. The bishop had said that those who were formally involved in the abortion were automatically excommunicated from the Catholic Church. “The Catholic Physicians Guild of Phoenix fully supports the Most Rev. Thomas J. Olmsted with respect to matters of life of a […]

Steve Jobs Says iPad Revolution Means ‘Freedom from Porn’

Tuesday May 18, 2010 Steve Jobs Says iPad Revolution Means ‘Freedom from Porn’ By Peter J. Smith CUPERTINO, California, May 18, 2010 ( – Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computers, says his company will not be a party to the pornography industry and hopes that the iPad and iPhone revolution will help lead to a porn-free world. Jobs reiterated his position in a heated e-mail exchange with Ryan Tate, a writer for, which follows news and gossip in Silicon Valley and elsewhere. Tate, who admitted that he was home alone and slightly inebriated at the time, took issue with […]

Mom to be Charged with Killing Unborn Infant while DUI

Friday May 14, 2010 Mom to be Charged with Killing Unborn Infant while DUI By James Tillman ATLANTA, Georgia, May 14, 2010 ( – A Georgia woman is soon to be charged with killing her 24-week-old unborn baby in a car accident after fleeing police while driving under the influence of alcohol. According to police, Jessica Bruce refused to stop her car Wednesday when police tried to pull her over for going 85 mph in a suburban 65 mph zone outside of Atlanta. While fleeing, she struck one car before spinning into oncoming traffic and being struck again, totaling her […]

Hasselbeck: Conservatives Should Stop ‘Hating on’ Gay ‘Marriage’

Monday May 17, 2010 Hasselbeck: Conservatives Should Stop ‘Hating on’ Gay ‘Marriage’ By James Tillman NEW YORK, May 17, 2010 ( — Elisabeth Hasselbeck, usually judged the right-leaning co-host of ABC’s The View, has recommended that conservatives stop “hating on” same-sex “marriage.” “Instead of just talking about it and hating on it,” she said, “actually talk to someone who’s loved [a member of the same sex] and have the conversation about what can be done.” The discussion on The View was sparked by Laura Bush’s recent announcement on Larry King Live that she was in favor of both gay “marriage” […]

Catholic Mag Quietly Edits Article Calling Pope’s Abortion/Marriage Comments ‘Bizarre’

By Kathleen Gilbert NEW YORK, May 20, 2010 ( – A column for the Jesuit magazine America, in which Rev. James Martin, S.J. criticized Pope Benedict XVI's pro-life and pro-family message in Portugal as “bizarre,” and implied it was contrary to the Gospel, has been revised to omit the strongest language. Martin, who serves as Culture Editor at the publication, took issue with the pope's recent statement that abortion and same-sex “marriage” rank among “some of today’s most insidious and dangerous threats to the common good.” “The equation of abortion, something that clearly is about a threat to life, with […]

Cardinal O’Malley: Catholic Schools do not Exclude ‘Categories of People’

By Kathleen Gilbert BOSTON, Massachusetts, May 20, 2010 ( – Cardinal Seán O'Malley of Boston is standing behind the archdiocese's distancing of itself from a parish school’s decision to refuse admission to a child whose guardians are a lesbian couple, saying that the archdiocese has “never had categories of people who were excluded.” The remarks were made only weeks after Archbishop Charles Chaput of Denver defended a similar decision by a school in his diocese. In a blog post Wednesday, O’Malley compared the situation at the school to one he encountered as a bishop in the West Indies, when he […]

Republicans Not Planning to Filibuster Kagan: Sen. Kyl

Monday May 17, 2010 Republicans Not Planning to Filibuster Kagan: Sen. Kyl By Kathleen Gilbert WASHINGTON, D.C., May 17, 2010 ( – A judiciary committee Republican has said he does not expect that the GOP will attempt to mount a filibuster against U.S. Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan, who would bring a homosexualist and pro-abortion voice to the nation’s highest court. On CBS’s “Face the Nation” Sunday, Republican Senator John Kyl of Arizona, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said that “the filibuster should be relegated to the extreme circumstances, and I don’t think Elena Kagan represents that.” Kagan […]

Curtains for Pro-Abort Specter: Pro-Life Toomey Faces New Dem. Challenger in Pennsylvania

By Peter J. Smith PHILADELPHIA, May 19, 2010 ( – After 30 years in the Senate and a politically-motivated party switch last year, pro-abortion Pennsylvania Sen. Arlen Specter watched Democratic voters pull the plug on his political career last night. Democratic Rep. Joe Sestak, who is also pro-abortion, trounced Specter to win his party’s Senate primary, and will now square off against pro-life Republican Pat Toomey, who has waited six years for this moment to happen again, in the November election. While Specter has claimed in the past that he is “personally” against abortion, the National Right to Life Committee […]