Recent US News

Tennessee First State to Opt Out of Abortion Mandate in Health Bill

Wednesday April 21, 2010 Tennessee First State to Opt Out of Abortion Mandate in Health Bill NASHVILLE, Tennessee, April 21, 2010 ( – Less than one month after Congress passed its sweeping health care bill, Tennessee’s Legislature has become the nation’s first to make clear that abortion will not be a funded benefit in its health exchange programs. Bipartisan majorities in both the state House (70-23) and the state Senate (27-3) easily approved language which states, “No health care plan required to be established in this state through an exchange pursuant to federal health care reform legislation enacted by the […]

LifeSiteNews Clarification Re: NETWORK on Abortion

Monday April 19, 2010 LifeSiteNews Clarification Re: NETWORK on Abortion April 19, 2010 ( – Current and former members of NETWORK, a lobby group of Catholic religious sisters and some lay members, recently contacted (LSN) to request that we correct references in our articles to the group as pro-abortion, which were deemed “highly offensive.” When LSN asked for the group’s official position on legalized abortion, NETWORK Communications Coordinator Stephanie Niedringhaus responded only that “we don’t lobby on abortion just as we don’t lobby on other important issues, including the death penalty and human trafficking.” The references to NETWORK as […]

20 Democrats Targeted for Defeat over Obamacare

Tuesday April 20, 2010 20 Democrats Targeted for Defeat over Obamacare By John Jalsevac WASHINGTON, D.C., April 20, 2010 ( – On Monday the Family Research Council Action PAC announced plans to target the districts of 20 Democratic incumbents who voted for President Obama’s abortion-funding health care bill. On the FRC Action website, the organization explains that the 20 targeted Democrats are “those so called ‘pro-life’ Democrats who seemed destined to heroism when they joined forces with Bart Stupak on a House bill that would have precluded any use federal dollars for abortion, but who caved under White House and […]

Bishop Brandt Blocks Expansion Efforts of Nuns who Supported Health Bill

Monday April 19, 2010 Bishop Brandt Blocks Expansion Efforts of Nuns who Supported Health Bill By James Tillman GREENSBURG, PA, April 19, 2010 ( — The Sisters of St. Joseph in Baden, Pennsylvania opposed the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops by supporting the Health Care Reform Bill. Now Bishop Lawrence E. Brandt of Greensburg has withdrawn his diocese’s support for their community by prohibiting the use of any diocesan media or parishes in their recruitment efforts. “He has the right to disapprove a request from a religious community that wants to host a recruitment event when that community has […]

Brian Brown Takes Helm of National Organization for Marriage

Tuesday April 20, 2010 Brian Brown Takes Helm of National Organization for Marriage By Peter J. Smith WASHINGTON, D.C., April 19, 2010 ( – After just three years of existence, one of the forefront organizations for defending the natural institution of marriage is announcing a changing of the guard. Maggie Gallagher, president and co-founder of the National Organization for Marriage, has announced that she is stepping down as president and placing the organization in the hands of NOM executive director Brian Brown. “In promoting Brian Brown to President, we are recognizing Brian’s extraordinary record of achievement in NOM’s phenomenal growth […]

Earth Day Campaign Celebrating Life Hits Four U.S. Cities

CHICAGO, April 21, 2010 ( – CatholicVote's campaign to encourage Americans to rethink how they celebrate Earth Day will be broadcasting its pro-life message in four cities Thurday, the 40th annual Earth Day. The campaign has found its way onto buses in Chicago, Seattle, San Francisco, and Los Angeles, and will run for four weeks. “Our goal is to use Earth Day to get Americans to think more deeply about what it means to truly respect the Earth and creation,” said Brian Burch, President of Education Fund. “Prevailing environmental attitudes too often view humans as the enemy of nature. […]

Gibbs Stumbles over Questions about Obama’s Non-Litmus Test Litmus Test for Supreme Court

By John Jalsevac April 22, 2010 ( – On the same day that President Obama sent apparently contradictory signals about his expectations about the abortion views of his next Supreme Court nominee, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs struggled to explain how the president could say that he will not have a “litmus test” on abortion, but then go on to say that he expects his nominee to uphold the right to abortion. During yesterday’s press briefing, reporters queried Press Secretary Gibbs on how the two apparently contradictory statements could be reconciled. “The President just said when asked about the […]

Another Undercover Video Shows Kentucky Abortuary Failing to Report Child Sex Abuse

By Peter J. Smith LOUISVILLE, Kentucky, April  21, 2010 ( – Undercover pro-life journalists have released another hard-hitting exposé showing an abortion facility not only hiding child sexual abuse, but offering to circumvent parental consent laws in order to keep a minor’s abortion secret from her parents. The student-led pro-life group Live Action released footage Wednesday showing an employee at Kentucky’s only abortion provider, EMW Women’s Surgical Center, an affiliate of the National Abortion Federation, freely volunteering to violate Kentucky law, which requires those with evidence of suspected child abuse to inform law enforcement. Kentucky defines sex between an adult […]

ALL to Launch Pro-Life T-Shirt Week, iPod Touch Contest April 27

By Kathleen Gilbert April 21, 2010 ( – The American Life League is gearing up for its annual Pro-Life T-Shirt Week next week, when pro-lifers across America will wear proudly a message proclaiming the personhood of life within the womb. American Life League's National Pro-Life T-Shirt Week is Tuesday, April 27 – Monday, May 3, 2010. The group says it's launching the promotion “to increase awareness of abortion and the reality of how many innocent babies are murdered every day.” “Primarily, we are concerned with getting people to think of the child as a person from the moment of creation,” […]

Kansas Governor Torpedoes Reform of Late-term Abortion Ban

Friday April 16, 2010 Kansas Governor Torpedoes Reform of Late-term Abortion Ban By Peter J. Smith WICHITA, Kansas, April 16, 2010 ( – Democratic Kansas Gov. Mark Parkinson has followed in the footsteps of his predecessor, US Health and Human Services secretary Kathleen Sebelius, by vetoing a bill that would have discouraged late-term abortionists from taking up the role left vacant by murdered late-term abortionist George Tiller. The measure, S Sub HB 2115, would have allowed patients or family members (such as a husband, domestic partner, or a minor girl’s parents) to file civil actions against abortionists if they have […]