Monday June 28, 2010
Vancouver Archbishop on Pro-Life Activism: “The Time is Now”
By Patrick B. Craine
VANCOUVER, B.C., June 28, 2010 ( – Archbishop J. Michael Miller of Vancouver has called on every member of the faithful in his diocese to take an active role in the pro-life movement.
“We can make a difference; the time is now, and the tide is turning,” he wrote in a pastoral message for Pro-Life Sunday on June 20. “No issue is more important for our society and country. It calls each of us to be part of the solution to the tragedy of abortion and to the growing threat of imposed death for the elderly and infirm.”
In an apparent reference to the controversy stirred up by remarks made by Cardinal Marc Ouellet of Quebec City last month, the archbishop wrote that Catholics must oppose those who “promote hateful attacks on public and Church figures because of their conviction that every person has the right to be born regardless of the circumstances of conception.”
Speaking at a pro-life conference in Quebec City in May, Cardinal Ouellet had said that abortion is immoral in every case, including in instances where the child in conceived as a result of a rape. For these remarks the cardinal was attacked virulently in the mainstream Canadian press, and by several Canadian politicians.
In his letter Archbishop Miller added, “We must oppose all efforts which confuse maternal health with access to abortion.”
He further insisted that Catholics are obligated both as citizens and believers “to foster a culture of life in the public arena” by “voting conscientiously,” and even running for office.
“I urge you to recommit yourselves to the sacred cause of life and to help financially equip pro-life organizations, such as crisis pregnancy centres, to serve our communities,” he continued. “Even more, I urge you to become personally involved. Let us act in small and large ways – to pray, to witness, to volunteer, and to support the pro-life groups in our local communities.”
A note accompanying the message indicates that a collection was taken up in the Vancouver Archdiocese on Pro-Life Sunday for pro-life groups, with funds being distributed among crisis pregnancy centres, Birthright, Campaign Life Coalition, and others.
See related coverage:
Campaign Life Coalition Launches Petition in Support of Cardinal Ouellet
Vancouver Archbishop Compares Abortion to Slaughter of the Innocents
Archbishop J. Michael Miller: The Pro-life Movement to be Effective Cannot Abandon Legislative Measures
Outspokenly Orthodox, Pro-life Archbishop Takes Over in Vancouver Diocese