By Terry Vanderheyden
ST. LOUIS, Missouri, February 13, 2006 ( – Hours after the media announced the location of an international Love Won Out conference for St. Louis to be held Feb. 25, the location was vandalized.
The vandalism to First Evangelical Free Church of St. Louis County (First Free) occurred just hours after radio announcements of the location for the event began there Thursday evening. At least a dozen eggs were found spattered over the front of the building when employees arrived there early Friday. Billboards for the event began to appear along St. Louis highways as early as Tuesday. The one-day event is designed to educate and equip attendees on the issues surrounding homosexuality and provide help for those struggling – and those whose loved ones struggle – with unwanted same-sex attractions.
First Free said that the intimidation will not deter them from hosting an event, “designed to equip the church to respond with love and compassion to those who are living homosexually.”
“This only underscores the need for Love Won Out more than ever and, sadly, suggests that those who talk the loudest about tolerance seem the least able to exhibit it,” the church said in a statement, according to a Focus on the Family CitizenLink report. “We are honored to stand for righteousness in the face of ridicule – a small taste of the ridicule our Lord suffered.”
“Love Won Out’s cornerstone continues [to] be the hope and healing that is found in Jesus Christ,” said conference speaker Melissa Fryrear, herself a former lesbian. “Many attendees are struggling to maintain the balance between holding onto their beliefs and loving a gay family member or friend. The conference will encourage and equip them to do just that.”
The St. Louis conference will feature Dr. Nancy Heche who will share her own experiences as a parent and spouse who was confronted with homosexuality in her home. Heche will offer insight and hope to those who have a loved one involved in homosexuality.
“Families are often in the dark about how to respond when homosexuality hits home,” said Fryrear. “Many of our attendees struggle with how to love a family member who is gay while not compromising their beliefs in Biblical truth – Nancy’s message is one of hope for those struggling to maintain this balance.”
In addition, Focus on the Family’s psychologist-in- residence Dr. Bill Maier will address the controversial topic of same-sex unions in a breakout session entitled “Straight Thinking on Gay Marriage.” Maier will discuss how the legalization of same-sex marriage will impact the current generation of children by intentionally denying them a mother and father.
See the group’s web site for more information: