
IRVINE, CA, Jan 3 ( – In the current issue of Citizen Magazine, a publication of Dr. James Dobson’s Focus on the Family, reporter Celeste McGovern, provides further evidence of the vast market in aborted baby parts. McGovern exposes more of the companies involved in the grizzly trade. The must-read article is another example of excellent investigative reporting on this story.

The story exposes an order form for Allegran Inc., a company which provides eye care and skin care products, that asks for “whole eyes-sterile,” to be taken from aborted fetuses aged 20 to 24 weeks. The extractor is instructed to take the eyes from a “normal donor” and note age,  sex and race.

LifeSite has found the contact addresses for Allegran Inc. Pro-lifers are urged to contact the company to express their discontent and to note the negative effect the morbid ventures will have on the sale of the company’s products. “Allegran markets the “Refresh” family of eye drops and other eye care products and also “M.D. Forté® Total Daily Protector” skin care lotion.

To read the article from Citizen Magazine click here.

To contact Allegran:
ALLERGAN, INC.  Corporate Headquarters Irvine, California
Mailing Address P.O. Box 19534 Irvine, CA 92623-9534
Street Address 2525 Dupont Drive Irvine, CA 92612

Allergan Corporate – Telephone Toll Free (U.S. Only) 800-347-4500, 714-246-4500 Fax: 714-246-6987 Corporate Communications: (714)-246-4284 Investor Relations: (714)-246-4636 [email protected]

See Allegran’s web site at:   (with files from Pro-Life E-News)