
WASHINGTON, January 21, 2002 ( – Conservative News Service reported that the Media Research Center, a television news watchdog group, conducted it’s annual dishonour awards ceremony in Washington D.C. last week. Hundreds of self-professed members of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy were present as it was announced that Newsweek columnist Margaret Carlson, was awarded the “We’re All Going to Die and It’s Bush’s Fault Award for Doomsday Environmental Reporting”.

ABC News President David Westin, won the “Peter Arnett Award for Hopelessly Foolish Wartime Reporting,” and CBS Early Show host Bryant Gumbel was given the “Damn Every Conservative We Can Think of To Hell Award.”

CBS News anchor Dan Rather was dishonoured with three awards. Rather was named the recipient of the “Gilligan Award for the Flakiest Comment of the Year,” and the “Sore Losers Award for Refusing to Concede Bush’s Victory in Florida.” The audience also chose him to receive the award for “Most Outrageous Quote of the Year.” Rather’s prize-winning quote was from his attempt to convince Fox News host Bill O’Reilly that former President Bill Clinton is an honest man.

The sponsors of the event were jokingly listed as the “Enron Good Government Fund,” the “Enron Retirement Fund,” and a final entry reading “Enron Profit Sharing Account.”