
By Thaddeus M. Baklinski

MANILA, March 14, 2008 ( – A letter addressed to Philippines Bishop Gabriel Reyes from Alfonso Cardinal Lopez Trujilo, president of the Pontificium Consilium Pro Familia (Pontifical Council for the Family) said that accepting donations from those who promote abortion and contraception is contrary to the Gospel, and will greatly harm efforts to strengthen and defend life and the family.

The cardinal’s letter explained that the rejection of donations from pharmaceutical companies that produce contraceptives and abortifacient drugs follows the Church’s position that funds produced from activities that are morally evil – abortion and contraception – are not acceptable.

“Accepting such funding creates confusion among the faithful, as they give the impression that abortion, and the production, distribution, and use of contraceptives and abortifacients are acceptable practices,” the prelate said.

Cardinal Lopez also said there is the risk that pro-family groups that accept such funds might be accused of hypocrisy by pro-abortion and anti-family factions.

“It would provide those working against the family grounds for extremely persuasive criticism to attack and discredit Church organizations and the Church herself, especially through charges of incoherence and insincerity,” he said.

Encouraging Bishop Reyes to continue his efforts in the promotion of the culture of life, Cardinal Trujilo said, “God’s providence is never lacking for those who keep His teachings.”

“If the faithful are seriously formed in Christian values and frequently strive to receive God’s grace, especially through the sacraments of the Eucharist and Confession, they will be extremely generous in supporting truly laudable projects with their prayers and contributions in terms of time, effort and resources.

“In this regard, there is no need at all to receive funding from questionable sources, an action that besides will go directly against efforts toward truly Christian formation,” the Cardinal concluded.