
MINNEAPOLIS, MN, May 27, 2005 ( – A scientist has revealed that Viagra may be responsible for causing blindness in some of its users.

University of Minnesota Medical School neuro-ophthalmologist Dr. Howard Pomeranz was the first to associate the use of the anti-impotence drug Viagra with blindness – his first published case report implicating the drug was in 1998. In March, Pomeranz published a report detailing another seven cases – six had lost vision within 24 hours of use of the agent, according to his findings, published in the Journal of Neuroopthalmology.

The US Food and Drug Administration told CBS News that it has 50 reports of possible association between use of the drug and loss of vision. A senior FDA medical official said, “We’re very concerned. This issue is front and center, it’s a priority. We know people need to know as promptly as possible.”

Viagra manufacturer Pfizer Inc. confirmed Friday to MarketWatch news that the company is revising its label information to include the warning that blindness may occur in rare cases.
