TORONTO, November 22, 2013 ( – Liberal leader Justin Trudeau has affirmed his “unflinching” support for “LGBTTQ rights” in an interview with the homosexual news agency Xtra.
He gave the interview standing beside Chrystia Freeland, the Liberal Party’s candidate for Toronto Centre in the November 25 by-elections.
“LGBT rights are human rights and for me the need to have a government that is standing up for people's rights from coast to coast to coast, regardless of the situation, is clear,” Trudeau said. “Unfortunately we have a government right now that is willing to look the other way in terms of certain rights, whether it’s trans[gender] rights or whatever, and that's just not acceptable in Canada.”
Xtra reporter Andrea Houston challenged Trudeau on why he missed the House of Commons vote on C-279, the “trans rights” bill that seeks to add “gender identity” and “gender expression” to Canada’s Human Rights Act.
Trudeau replied that it was an “important” bill, and noted that he voted for it in a previous Parliament, but said the vote came up while he was in the midst of his campaign for the Liberal leadership.
“Everywhere I go across the country I talk about LGBTTQ rights,” he said. “My stance in support of trans issues and LGBTTQ issues in general is unflinching and will continue.”
Trudeau raises the homosexual issue even in his frequent appearances at schools. In 2012, he told high school students in Ottawa that the Catholic Church’s opposition to “gay-straight alliance” clubs was “repulsive.”
A regular attendee at the annual Pride parades, his commitment to the homosexual cause has led him to suggest that he would consider supporting the Quebec separatist cause over the issue, despite his long support for federalism.
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“I always say, if at a certain point, I believe that Canada was really the Canada of Stephen Harper – that we were going against abortion, and we were going against gay marriage, and we were going backwards in 10,000 different ways – maybe I would think about wanting to make Quebec a country,” he said in February 2012.