LITTLE ROCK, July 24, 2012, ( – Peaceful pro-life activists, who were praying the rosary for the repeal of ObamaCare, were assaulted by a man who knocked over the U.S. flag, then turned on the volunteers.
A group of 14 volunteers from Tradition Family and Property (TFP—Louisiana) encountered violence during a pro-life campaign outside McCain Mall in North Little Rock, Arkansas, part of a tour of southern cities last Tuesday, July 17.
According to TFP, the man appeared friendly when he approached, saying, “Praised be Mary!” However, he quickly yelled, “Get the Hell out of here!”
“The first thing he did was target the American flag,” said Elias Bartel, the flag-bearer, who was knocked off his feet during the assault. A power line kept the 19-foot-tall flag from touching the ground.
A video TFP has posted on YouTube shows a middle aged man then shoved Jesus Guerra, who was holding the TFP banner, knocking him over a fire hydrant.
The man then drew his fist and knocked the cell phone out of Cesar Franco’s hands as he was dialing 911.
The group had been passing out flyers describing ObamaCare as a form of Christian persecution, forcing Catholics and other Christians to subsidize abortifacient contraception. They also held pro-life signs.
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The organization is used to encountering physical hostility during its public witness for traditional morality.
Last June a pro-homosexual activist threw a beer bottle at TFP volunteer Michael Shibler, cutting the young man’s forehead. Another man tore up their pro-marriage banner and threatened to smash their camera.
Three months earlier members of TFP Student Action came under attack at Brown University in Rhode Island, where homosexual activists spat in the face of a 17-year-old, attempted to rip up a banner defending marriage, and pelted their van with fists and debris.
“While demanding tolerance for what they call ‘diversity,’ they are utterly intolerant of opposing viewpoints,” Shibler said.
The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property (TFP) is headquartered in Spring Grove, Pennsylvania, and has 120,000 active members, volunteers and donors across the nation.