By Peter J. Smith
BLACKSBURG, Virginia, April 23, 2007 ( – Pornography fueled the deranged mind of the Virginia Tech killer, who massacred 32 people at Virginia Tech before turning the gun on himself last Monday, according to an expert on pornography.
Dr. Judith Reisman, one of the foremost researchers on pornography and its corrosive effects on individuals and society, described mass murderer Cho Seung-Hui, 23, as having a pornographic or “erototoxic addiction” that fueled the rage of his mind unbalanced by antidepressant drugs.
In a column for WorldNetDaily, Reisman wrote that often what Cho and other school killers have in common is “a society drenched in sadosexual arousal as entertainment, some family troubles of a trivial and/or serious nature”, and a lethal combination of pornography, violent video gaming, and antidepressant drugs known to facilitate violent behavior in some people.
Cho, who was diagnosed as mentally unstable in 2005, attended Virginia Tech, but displayed a high degree of sexual turmoil fuelled by pornography.
Filled with uncontrollable sexual pornographic fantasies Cho is said to have been a walking time bomb, who had a history of stalking women and pornographic sexual harassment at Virginia Tech including an obsession with taking pictures of girls “legs and knees under the desks with his cell phone.’‘
An English major, Cho authored a deranged 10 page play entitled “Richard McBeef”, where he wrote pornographically about a 13-year-old boy protagonist. The boy rages spewing furious filthy obscenities against his molesting homosexual/pedophile step-father, who expresses certain sexual predilections to the boy’s mother before killing the boy in the end.
The depravity and rage of the play as well as Cho’s other writings terrified professor Nikki Giovanni so much that she demanded Cho undergo psychiatric counseling and threatened to quit unless he were removed from her class.
Giovanni called Cho “evil” and said the poems he wrote for her class revealed someone engaged in ‘‘a personal violation … objectifying his subjects,’’ doing things ‘‘to your body parts.”
“This is massive pornographically motivated sexual harassment well beyond the norm” wrote Reisman, who added that for Cho to shoot “pictures of girls’ crotch area ‘under the desks’” and not be arrested was criminal on the part of Virginia Tech.
So, instead of expelling a mentally ill, pornography-obsessed sexual predator, Virginia Tech allowed Cho to rage, until he had killed 27 students and five lecturers in the schools’ gun-free “safe-zone”, which supposedly should have made the campus safer.
Dr. Judith Reisman, author of Kinsey: Crimes and Consequences has documented the connection between pornography and violent crime, especially in rising sexual crimes.
Reisman exposed the fraudulent “findings” of America’s “sex expert”, Alfred Kinsey, whose sexual experiments on children “rivals the Nazi experiments described at Nuremberg” and involved gross illegal sexual experimentation on several hundred young children (as young as 2 months) by pedophiles and sex offenders. The result of these findings and surveys of hundreds of sex offenders, prostitutes, prison inmates and exhibitionists became the very foundation of modern “sex science” and today’s tolerance of dangerous and criminal sexual behaviors.