
Canada Family Action Coalition Alert

According to the American Family Association (AFA), pro-homosexual email lists are asking people to vote in favour of lesbian kissing. So far (as of midnight MST), they have been able generate a vote 66.5% in favour.  This may possibly be due to the lack of restrictions on multiple votes if browser MagicCookies are set aside after each vote.

Well now it is our turn to show what the majority of us think! Protect our children! Send a signal straight to the ABC executive offices.

Go to (link now delete) and cast your vote! The poll is being conducted by ABC News. It is a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ vote on whether you would allow your child to watch a lesbian kiss on television.

There is no indication as to how long the poll will be conducted so visit soon.

ABC/DISNEY provided an advisory before last Wednesday’s ELLEN episode, saying “due to adult content, parental discretion is advised.’’ That was in addition to the TV-14 icon that the show has carried this season, following the character Ellen’s much-hyped coming out.

ABC/Disney’s decision to warn the viewers before the lesbian kiss has angered Ellen to the point of threatening to quit. “This advisory is telling kids something’s wrong with being gay,’’ DeGeneres complained to The New York Times. The point to the show is to let kids know there’s nothing wrong with being gay, she said.  “And now they’re saying children shouldn’t watch it,’’ she told TV Guide.