Was Rwanda genocide UN supported de-population?
By Steve Jalsevac
TORONTO, December 10, 1998 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Today’s National Post special report on the Rwandan massacres strengthens the case that the UN could have easily stopped the slaughter but did not want to. Why? And why has General Romeo Dallaire, the key to what actually happened in Rwanda, been experiencing progressive mental health stress in the past year?
On April 10, 1996 a relaxed General Dallaire gave a presentation on his Rwandan experiences to a small Toronto audience. The presentation related the many frustrating experiences of a mission hampered by poor support from world powers and related the historical setting and military logistics of the Rwandan conflict. The general outlined the brilliant military strategy of the Hutu military leader who was trained at the prestigious U.S. Leavenworth Military Academy versus his Tutsi opponent who graduated from the French military Academy. Dallaire stated that the battles would be studied for years to come in military schools.
Hundreds of Thousands of Lives Could Have Been Saved by Jamming Radio Transmissions
General Dallaire stated that after the killing began, hundreds of thousands of lives could still have been saved by authorizing NATO forces, who had the proper equipment, to simply jam the radio transmissions the Hutus used to direct the killing. He was denied permission to do so by his New York superiors who stated that this would be an interference in the sovereignty of another nation. The general said the radio directions were to kill with machetes and other simple weapons which caused slow, painful deaths and limited damage to the lush Rwandan environment.
Foreign “aid” Consisted of “covering the country with rubber”
Dallaire noted that at the time of the conflict, Rwanda had the world’s highest birthrate at 8.3 children per woman. He stated that military personnel referred to UN and other foreign aid as “covering the country with rubber”. Tons of condoms and other contraceptives were being shipped to and distributed around the region in quantities far beyond what the population could use and in place of much more needed food, medicine and other critically needed aid. Cutting the birthrate was clearly the number one priority of the “aid” agencies. Medicine stores were filled with contraceptives and extremely short of any supplies to treat wounded Rwandans.
In private discussion after his presentation, it was suggested to the general that African de-population policies of the great powers could explain the total lack of support he received. His response was that he had not discussed this and had no expertise on population control matters, but indicated that some of his observations would not be inconsistent with such an opinion.
UN and Big Powers Neglect May Have Been Caused by De-Population Agenda
Here are the facts: The UN strongly supports massive and urgent population reduction in Africa and has given very low priority and funds to programs such as research into a cure for malaria, Africa’s number one killer disease. “Covering the country with rubber” had totally failed to slow Rwanda’s population growth. And finally, the UN was criminally negligent in repeatedly refusing to take any one of a number of very simple, low manpower, low-tech actions that would have prevented the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Rwandans.
Considering the above, it is reasonable to conclude that there may have been some persons in Western government and UN high positions who did not oppose the massacres and possibly even welcomed them because of a Western perceived need for massive de-population and de-stabilization in Rwanda.
In 1996, General Dallaire was clearly mentally stable in sharing his Rwandan experiences. His supposed mental breakdown coincides with UN and Canadian military efforts to stop him from freely testifying at subsequent enquiries into the massacres. Campaign Life Coalition suggests that the General has increasingly become aware of UN, Canadian military and other western complicity in the genocide and has been under extraordinary pressure to remain silent. As a man of integrity and principles, the general has found this very difficult to endure.
Campaign Life Coalition calls on all Canadians to demand a high level public enquiry into the Rwandan tragedy and to demand that General Dallaire be free to testify honestly and completely about his personal experiences and assessments of the Rwandan war.