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DETROIT, November 5, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – As tensions continue to build over allegations of voting irregularities across the country, new footage has come to light of election officials in Michigan covering windows into the absentee ballot counting center and cheering the removal of Republican observers.
“I asked a few people who taped them up and why, no clear answer,” reporter Matt Finn said. “A few poll challengers / workers tell us they feel there wasn’t a fair number of repubs and dems in this room.”
The scene at Detroit’s absentee ballot counting center is growing more heated. The windows now being covered up. Allegations of violations. Sec. of State says she welcomes challenges.
— Matt Finn (@MattFinnFNC) November 4, 2020
“This has been a bipartisan, open and transparent process from the beginning, with a record number of Republican challengers observing it,” a spokesperson for Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson responded. “The individuals who made these claims to you said they were challengers, which means they have the ability to bring any violations they thought had occurred to the election inspectors.”
Finn added that Detroit city attorney Lawrence Garcia says he was the one who ordered covering just some of the windows, because some of the workers inside feared being videotaped.
An attorney for the city of Detroit, Lawrence Garcia, tells me he ordered some of the windows be covered because some of the workers nearest the windows felt concerned with people outside potentially filming them or ballots. Not all the windows were blocked.
— Matt Finn (@MattFinnFNC) November 4, 2020
Michigan Republican Senate President Pro Tem Aric Nesbitt also shared video showing Detroit poll workers cheering, allegedly in celebration of Republican observers being ejected from the room. Reporter Paul Sperry added that Democrat Gov. Meg Whitmer sent health officials to evict Republican watchers but not Democrats, using COVID-19 as a pretext.
My wife just sent this video of Detroit election workers cheering every time a @migop attorney is removed from the TCF Center, where absentee ballot counting is happening. She says they do this every time they eject a GOP poll watcher & that Dem watchers outnumber GOP 3:1.
— Aric Nesbitt (@aricnesbitt) November 4, 2020
GOP attorney being escorted out.
— Aric Nesbitt (@aricnesbitt) November 4, 2020
This footage follows Project Veritas’ release of undercover video in which a Michigan postal worker alleges he and his co-workers were asked to backdate mail-in ballots that arrived late so they could be counted.
The Trump campaign filed a lawsuit Wednesday “to halt counting until meaningful access has been granted. We also demand to review those ballots which were opened and counted while we did not have meaningful access.” Michigan Court of Claims Judge Cynthia Stephens rejected the suit the next day.
With the presidential election incredibly close, the Trump campaign is also demanding a recount in Wisconsin and challenging alleged irregularities in Nevada and Pennsylvania.
Help stop voter fraud: Project Veritas is accepting voter fraud tips here.