PETITION: Tell U.S. libraries to stop pushing 'drag queens' on our kids! Sign the petition here.
SEATTLE, June 26, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) — A public library in Washington state was the platform for a drag show and “pride celebration designed by teens for teens” that featured a man dressed in drag who roared incoherently while on all fours. One parent called it “demonic.”
“This is what demonic possession looks like. (Watch to the end.) I know a lot of y’all don’t believe in the spiritual realm, but thanks for bearing with me anyway. In my opinion, this is it. On all fours. Growling. At the teen pride event at the public library,” wrote one parent about the event.
This is what demonic possession looks like. (Watch to the end.) I know a lot of y’all don’t believe in the spiritual realm, but thanks for bearing with me anyway. In my opinion this is it. On all fours. Growling. At the teen pride event at the public library.
— Kaeley Triller (@KaeleyT) June 24, 2019
Geared toward “tweens” (i.e. pre-teens), an ad on the Renton Public Library website for the Saturday event heralded “Safer sex presentations! A drag show! Free swag! Free binder raffle!” and promised “the most rainbow filled fun you can imagine!”
On Facebook, Kaeley Triller Harms — an activist in exposing the transgender movement — posted that the handouts at the Saturday event also offered “chest binders to help eight self-hating girls mutilate their bodies.” As evidence, she posted a photograph that showed the event offered $50 gift cards for chest binders to eight “winners.” Chest binders are used by “transgender” women and girls to flatten their breasts and achieve a masculine appearance.
Among the materials available to teenagers were flyers about pre-exposure prophylaxis (PreEP), which is medicine that taken daily is supposed to reduce the risk that HIV-negative persons may face when exposed to sex with HIV-positive people. The Truvada brand, which is manufactured by Gilead, is a form of PreEP.
Activists for Lifelong Alliance for AIDS were on hand at the event to offer information about PreEP formulated by Gilead. According to its financial report, the Seattle-based Lifelong Alliance received more than $22 million in government grants and fees in 2017.
Planned Parenthood also offered materials at the event. Personal lubrication and flavored condoms were allegedly available for teens. Free lunch and dinner were available.
According to Harms’ post, library personnel told adults who were not accompanying teens at 5 p.m. Saturday that they had to leave the premises. When Lynn Meagher, who was protesting against the show, refused to leave, police “physically removed” her, according to Harms.
“Welcome to 2019, when protecting kids from being prematurely sexualized can get you potentially arrested,” Harms wrote. “Maybe she should have claimed to identify as 14.”
Harms posted videos recorded of drag performances at the “teen pride” event. One clip featured an extravagantly dressed drag performer who sang and roared and bellowed on all fours. For that clip, Harms wrote, “I'll probably take some heat for this, but I don't really care. This is what demonic possession looks like. (Watch until the end.) And people are celebrating it at Teen Pride at the Renton Library.”
Harms continued, “Calling this man names like 'freak' are not going to help. He's a lost soul, and it's sad. He doesn't need more hatred. But he does need to know we won't continue to allow this to be normalized and celebrated by our kids.”
The response from LGBTQ activists and leftists was swift and furious. Some harassed women came to record the event as a warning to parents, and others called on fellow leftists to identify the women.
Harms noted that Miriam Ben-Shalom, a lesbian Jewish activist, received a threatening anti-Semitic post on Twitter because of her stance in defiance of transgender ideology. Ben-Shalom was once a sergeant in the U.S. Army who, following her dismissal from the military, has been one of the most vocal advocates for lesbians in the United States. However, like Harms, she is openly critical of transgender ideology.
This guy just told my Jewish lesbian friend Miriam Ben-Shalom to “get in the oven where she belongs” because she had the audacity to say drag is offensive to women. Is this what #pride has become?
— Kaeley Triller (@KaeleyT) June 24, 2019
Both Harms and Ben-Shalom are members of the Hands Across the Aisle Coalition, which is an organization that brings together conservatives, Christians and feminists opposed to transgender ideology. Ben-Shalom has advocated, for instance, for the safety of women and children and “keeping female spaces female.” She was denied the position of Grand Marshal of the Pride Parade in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Ben-Shalom and Harms have received insulting and misogynistic comments on social media.