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ATLANTA, January 5, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – Countless homeless Georgians are using the address of an Atlanta anti-homelessness organization to register to vote, a new undercover video revealed, calling the integrity of the state’s elections into even further question on the day of an election that will decide partisan control of the federal government.
Central Outreach and Advocacy Center (COAC) works to “overcome and prevent homelessness” through a variety of services, including birth certificates, government identification, food stamps, and job assistance. But despite the fact that a place to live is not among those services, a new report from Project Veritas reveals that the organization allows clients to list it as their place of residence for the purpose of voter registration.
“So, the majority of the people we serve don’t have an address, so we allow them to use our address if they register to vote and to get Georgia State ID,” COAC executive director Kimberly Parker explained. “Because you have to have proof of residence, and so although we are not a shelter, we do allow them to use 201 Washington Street.”
Adding that “we’ve done that for years,” Parker said she “can’t even begin to tell you how many people have that address on their ID. We’ve never run into any problem with that until this election. One of our board members got wind that they thought we’re doing things not on the up and up because so many have the address, but we’ve not heard any repercussion from it since.”
There is an unrelated homeless shelter at that address, Central Night Shelter, although it bills itself as a “winter night shelter” open from November through March, not a long-term place of residence.
“A couple thousand people had our address (Emmaus House) registered as their mailing address for their voter registration,” added Central Night board member Adam Seeley, who is also director of Social Services for Emmaus House. Shelter is not among the services listed by Emmaus House.
Georgia law does not require voters to prove residency for a specific length of time, creating a potential opening for organizations like COAC to register large numbers of voters who would not otherwise be eligible.
The revelation follows months of bitter nationwide debate over allegations of fraud in the Peach State (and others), calling the presidential victory of former Vice President Joe Biden into question, and intensifying concerns over the legitimacy of Tuesday’s runoff election for the state’s two U.S. Senate seats, which will decide whether the incoming Biden administration will have a united Democrat Congress to enact its agenda or a Republican Senate blocking it.