TEXAS, March 14, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – Wendy Davis, who made a name for herself filibustering a late-term abortion ban in the Texas legislature, may be the next leader of Planned Parenthood.
Davis, whose 11-hour filibuster earned her praise from abortion activists in 2013, is now a Democratic fundraiser and figure.
Speaking to a Politico reporter, Davis praised Planned Parenthood in response to a question about whether she sees herself running the abortion company.
“Planned Parenthood and the mission of Planned Parenthood – the health care provided by Planned Parenthood – is always going to be part of the core of who I am,” said Davis. “I’m so proud that I’ve had an opportunity to travel all over this country and help Planned Parenthood affiliates to be successful.”
Planned Parenthood aborts over 300,000 babies annually.
“She didn't directly address whether she was interested in Richards’ position,” Politico reported, but “Davis is one of several Democratic women who are privately being discussed among Democratic operatives and donors as a potential successor to [Cecile] Richards.”
Richards abruptly announced her resignation earlier this year as Planned Parenthood remains under FBI scrutiny for its role in trafficking baby body parts.
Some abortion activists are campaigning for Planned Parenthood’s next president to be African-American, despite the well-documented racism of its founder, Margaret Sanger.