March 17, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – Today is the first day of our Spring Fundraising Campaign and I want to share the ways in which you can support our efforts to completely detach from Big Tech censorship and external threats so that we can continue to report the truth 24 hours a day – 365 days a year.
It’s clear that the time is now to invest in our own news studio, website server hosting, and necessary hardware if we want to continue providing life, family, faith, and freedom news through a variety of media, especially video. This long-term vision will poise our mission to reach a wider audience without threats of being shut down or censored.
In order to effectively accomplish this audacious goal, we must raise $400,000 by April 1st.
This video project is a massive undertaking, and it is ultimately going to cost us $1.3 million over the next two years to cover our up-front expenses, in addition to our normal operating costs.
If you value having access to life, faith, freedom, and family news without the agenda of the mainstream media, I hope you will consider how you can generously support our mission as we enter into this new era for our news reporting and video production.
Please consider a gift of $500, $250, $100, $50, or even just $35 today to help us completely detach from Big Tech and external threats. Use this link to donate:
Since last year we have been sounding the alarm on Big Tech censorship as it began affecting what we once knew as “freedom of the press.” Then, last month when YouTube completely removed our main LifeSiteNews channel from their platform, we were forced to pivot our video reporting efforts and move to an alternative video platform. So far, the John-Henry Westen Show channel is still permitted on YouTube, but we suspect that will not last long.
Utilizing an alternative video platform will ultimately cost us thousands per month to reach the same amount of viewers that we had on our YouTube channel.
If we expect to continue to compete with the mainstream media and reach millions of readers and viewers with the news, we must completely detach from Big Tech platforms, no matter the cost.
We have seen immense growth through our video reporting in the past two years, as we have increased the quality and quantity of our video production efforts. This greatly expanded our overall reach and impact to the point that we became an effective contradiction to the YouTube leftist worldview. Before our channel was removed from YouTube many of our videos went viral reaching millions of views.
Your generosity will ensure that we remain the largest news source and platform for the pro-life and pro-family movements’ voices, and we must continue to withstand censorship to ensure that Big Tech and the abortion industry do not control the narrative.
One supporter recently told us that she supports the mission of LifeSiteNews because we are able to speak the truth and say things that she doesn’t have a platform to say.
Supporting our mission means that Christian, pro-life, pro-family voices – and yours – will continue to be heard.
Your support is vital if we expect to continue to proclaim the truth while mainstream media and Big Tech continually try to silence it!
Since this massive undertaking will incur monthly expenses, we especially invite you to consider a monthly donation at one of the following giving levels:
To become a monthly supporter, please follow this link:
Big Tech has a clear agenda: they want to completely control what is said about the many issues that we write about. Our published shared values on life, faith, family, and freedom are a direct threat to that control and their drive to indoctrinate future generations to accept and build a godless, immoral Marxist culture hostile to Christianity
Without a platform free of censorship and threats from Big Tech, LifeSiteNews will no longer be able to counter their lies and manipulations to hide uncomfortable truths. The millions of readers worldwide, just like you, who want and need a truthful news source are relying on our ability to report the truth every single day. This is why your decision to generously support our mission is so crucial.
We can’t afford to sit on the side-lines at a time when the media is almost completely controlled by those who are determined to destroy all that is most precious to us. Support our mission today so that we can continue to utilize our media platform to speak the truth and counter the agenda of the mainstream media.
Please consider a gift of $500, $250, $100, $50, or even just $35 today to help us completely detach from Big Tech and external threats. Use this link to donate:
I am confident that your prayers and investment in our video production and many other efforts will help fight Big Tech, counter the agenda of the mainstream media, and give a voice to others just like you who want to see a complete transformation in our culture into one that treasures life, faith, the natural family, and freedom.
I hope you will join us.