February 14, 2012 (LifeSiteNews.com) – In a report it is presenting to a United Nations committee this week in Switzerland, the Brazilian government laments that, “The distancing from conservative positions in relation to the role of men and women in our society is happening less rapidly than would be desired.”
The report, which will be presented to the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women by Brazil’s newly-appointed pro-abortion Women’s Policy minister Eleonora Menicucci, will also explain the government’s attempt to squelch a right-to-life bill called the Statute of the Unborn, which would prohibit the killing of unborn children in all circumstances.
“It is crucial that the project be rejected in the Committee on the Constitution, Justice, and Citizenship,” the Rousseff administration writes.
The Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, which is known for pressuring countries to legalize abortion, has reportedly asked Brazil to give an account of “specific measures adopted to contend with the problem of unsafe abortions,” to which the government responds in part that it performed abortions on 60 women who were raped in 2010.
The content of the report is seen as another sign that Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff’s “opposition” to abortion, which she proclaimed during the 2010 presidential election, was not a serious one.
Rousseff, a former member of a communist terrorist organization that sought to overthrow the Brazilian government in the 1960s and 70s, is on record supporting the decriminalization of abortion before her presidential run.
However, Rousseff found herself forced to sign a pledge not to introduce abortionist or homosexualist legislation during her presidential term to boost her sagging poll numbers after Evangelical Protestants and Catholics began to alert the faithful to her record.