HUNTINGTON, WV, February 4, 2013, ( – Planned Parenthood is not only facing an uphill battle in state legislatures seeking to deprive the organization of taxpayer dollars, it is also receiving a distinctly chilly welcome at some university campuses.
“So many people rejected us. They acted grossed out. They didn't want to talk about it at all,” said Jordan Bean, a leader of Vox, the college chapter of Planned Parenthood.
Bean handed out condoms at Marshall University, where she is a senior, but said she had few takers.
“We get a lot of backlash on campus, and people approach us with questions that are hard to answer,” she told The Charleston Gazette.
At least nine other states have no chapter of Vox on any campus.
The Ithaca College chapter of Vox held a “No Pants Party,” encouraging students to wear anything “…just no pants.”
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The Gazette reported that Bean's chapter of Vox held a voter registration drive before the 2012 election. (Mitt Romney won 62 percent of West Virginia's popular vote.)
The group also showed the abortion provider's solidarity with the homosexual lobby by holding a day of silence last October to mark the death of Matthew Shepard, the homosexual whose death in a drug robbery became a rallying cry for hate crimes legislation.
The young Mountaineer activist showed she had mastered Planned Parenthood's new language on abortion, jettisoning the term “pro-choice.”
“The terms pro-choice and pro-life are outdated, and the conversation is too complicated for that,” she said. “You don't have to put yourself in a box — it's more personal than that.”