
The New York and federal gov't intimidations of Chris Slattery and his incredible baby-saving, mother-helping organization is deeply concerning. This is the rough, Chicago style of dealing with one's perceived enemies. It's a preview of what we will likely be seeing much more of from Obama and Cuomo unless the American people start to really fight back, boot these people and their political supporters out of office and hold them otherwise accountable for their abuses of political power. The next elections will be a real test of those who believe in freedom and those who don't or those who don't care.

Canada's infamous arch-abortionist, Henry Morgentaler has died. He played the leading role in striking down the little that remained of legal restrictions on abortion in “nice” Canada.

More on madness in the Church in Italy as revealed by the reactions of leaders and other Catholics to the death of Marxist, pro-abortion, pro-homosexual and generally radically dissident priest Don Gallo. This was yet another large Catholic Church funeral and near canonization of a very prominent anti-Catholic 'Catholic', presided over by a leading Church authority and sending very disturbing and confusing messages to the faithful. We find it distressing to have to repeatedly report on these types of funerals.