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Our mission at LifeSiteNews is unique – just see the list below of current and new, upcoming projects from LifeSite.

We are one of the only news organizations fighting to save our culture from every angle. With the constant attacks on life, the complete degradation of the family, the utter disregard for parental rights, and crises within the Catholic and other churches, there has never been a greater need for a mission like ours.

Your donation today can have a meaningful impact on our reporting this year!

Today, I am asking you, will you join our giving family? Can I count on you to provide the gift of TRUTH with your donation of $5, $25, $100, $500, $1,000, $5,000 or more – today?

Without your support, we cannot change as many hearts and minds and reach as many culture changers (just like you) as we need to in order to truly impact on our culture. But together, we know we can make great strides.

You and hundreds of thousands of other readers come to our site every single day to find the truth. You want the real stories that mainstream media ignores, or even mis-reports!

By joining our giving family, your support will provide us the means to respond to the cultural crisis on a much larger scale.

In addition to publishing 15-30 news reports each day, we have launched and maintain these various projects to address numerous needs in our culture:

  • is a groundbreaking pro-life and pro-family petition platform. (Already nearly 2.5 million people have signed petitions, helping to create concrete pro-life and pro-family change!)

  • Faithful Insight is a 100% faithful, hard-hitting Vatican news magazine aimed at informing our Catholic reader base

  • Faithful Shepherds is an accountability project for U.S. Bishops, encouraging them to hold true to Catholic teaching

  • Voice of the Family is a network of over two dozen pro-life and pro-family organizations intended to defend traditional Christian teaching on the family

  • The Rome Life Forum is a gathering of international pro-life and pro-family activists at the Vatican to develop a global pro-life and pro-family strategy

  • The Rome Youth Conference gathers and equips young people from around the world to strengthen their faith at this special conference devoted to issues related to life, family, and faith. They hear from phenomenal speakers and witness dozens of other young people courageously living out their faith and witnessing to the Gospel.

  • LifeFacts is a section on our website where we are compiling the best research and information related to abortion and other life issues.

  • The Van Maren Show is a new podcast featuring our very talented writer, Jonathon Van Maren, who talks to major pro-life and pro-family leaders on developments related to life, family, and faith.

  • COMING UP: A greatly expanded offering of LifeSite video productions, including weekly and daily programs with LifeSite’s co-founders and special guests.

As you can see, not only are we tackling the culture from every angle with our journalism, but these projects are enabling us to restore the very building blocks of our culture. And our needs are always growing!

Your gift to LifeSite will ensure our thorough and hard-hitting journalism will not just continue, but continue to grow and thrive!

LifeSite journalists “pick up the phone” and go straight to the source, rather than relying on the Internet or other media. The investigations we do, and the reports we must write are difficult. But millions of people just like you rely on our reporting on these hard truths every day.

This isn’t a responsibility we take lightly.

We are humbled by the role we play in the culture war, and we approach our work as missionaries for truth – not merely as employees with a job to do. Every penny we raise through your support goes back into our reporting.

But, we can only do this kind of reporting, and seek to restore our culture through it, if each of our readers increase their commitment to our mission today.

Can I count on you to provide the gift of TRUTH with your donation of $5, $25, $100, $500, $1,000, $5,000 or more – today?