October 17, 2013 (LifeSiteNews.com) – The World Health Organization (WHO) is distributing a document setting the standards for sexual education in Europe, which promotes masturbation, contraception, abortion and homosexuality to infants, young children and adolescents.
“A holistic approach based on an understanding of sexuality as an area of human potential helps children and young people to develop essential skills to enable them to self-determine their sexuality” says the document.
“Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe,” which is to serve as a guideline for sexual education beginning in pre-schools, was written by the World Health Organization European Region and the Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA) in Germany in 2010, but only in the past months was it sent to Europe’s ministries of health.
The Spanish Episcopal Conference (SEC) has issued a statement saying these ‘Standards’ are “deplorable.”
“It’s outstanding how this document doesn’t have any moral criteria,” said Mons. José Antonio Martinez, Secretary for the SEC. “Nothing is wrong and nothing is right, nothing is good for the child, nothing is bad for the child or person.”
“The issue of what is good and what is bad is never questioned, and it’s impossible not to do so in these matters. Even the fact of maintaining sexual relationships with a person younger that 15, which is a crime in many countries, seems not to matter in this document,” said the bishop.
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Spanish citizens have also expressed their outrage through a petition to Zsuzsanna Jakab, the WHO Regional Director for Europe, on HazteOir.org.
The petition reads: “…your guidelines about sexual education for European children take on principles and values inspired by gender ideology, they are not compatible with an education in love, responsibility, self-caring and respect for others, which is what we wish to transmit to our children.”
So far almost 43,000 Spaniards have signed the petition.
The “Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe” promote the following:
From birth to 4 years of age:
– Informing children about the “enjoyment and pleasure when touching one’s own body, early childhood masturbation”.
– Telling children about “the right to explore gender identities”.
– “Acceptance of different ways of becoming a child of a family”.
– “The awareness that relationships are diverse”.
From 4 to 6:
– Children should “consolidate their gender identity”.
– Being informed about “different concepts of a family”.
– Accept “diversity”.
From 6 to 9:
– Children should be informed about the “choices about parenthood and pregnancy, infertility, adoption, the basic idea of contraception (it is possible to plan and decide about your family)”.
– “Different methods of conception”.
– Receive information on “enjoyment and pleasure when touching one’s own body (masturbation/self-stimulation)”.
– Learning about the “sexual rights of children”.
From 9 to 12:
– Children should have “an understanding and acceptance of changes and differences in bodies (size and shape of penis, breasts and vulva can vary significantly)”.
– “Learn about: different types of contraception and their use; myths about contraception”.
– Acquire skills on the “use condoms and contraceptives effectively in future”.
– Be informed about “first sexual experiences, gender orientation, sexual behavior of young people (variability of sexual behavior), differences between gender identity and biological sex”, and “pleasure, masturbation, orgasm”.
– Have the ability to “make a conscious decision to have sexual experiences or not”.
– Accept, respect and understand “diversity in sexuality and sexual orientation”.
From 12 to 15:
– Receive information about “contraceptive services”.
– Learn about “pregnancy (also in same-sex couples)”.
– Acquire the skills to “make a conscious choice of contraceptive and use chosen contraceptive effectively”.
– “Gender-identity and sexual orientation, including coming out/homosexuality”.
– Information on “sexual rights as defined by International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) and by World Association for Sexual Health (WAS)”.
Fifteen and up:
– Information on “pregnancy (also in same-sex relationships) and infertility, abortion, contraception, emergency contraception (more in-depth information)”.
– Acquire “a critical view of different cultural/religious norms related to pregnancy, parenthood, etc”.
– Learn about “transactional sex (prostitution, but also sex in return for small gifts, meals/nights out, small amounts of money), pornography, sexual dependency”.
– “A change from possible negative feelings, disgust and hatred towards homosexuality to acceptance and celebration of sexual differences”.
– “Family structure and changes, forced marriage; homosexuality/bisexuality/asexuality, single parenthood”.
– Be told about the “right to abortion”.
– “Be empowered to claim sexual rights”
According to the WHO European Region “this document is intended to contribute to the introduction of holistic sexuality,” as Europe is facing “rising rates of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STI), unintended teenage pregnancies and sexual violence, to name just a few.”
The said intention of the guidelines is to “improve quality of life, health and well-being”.
The document states that: “‘Abstinence only’ programs have no positive effects on sexual behavior or the risk of teenage pregnancy, whereas comprehensive programs do have such an effect,” and it claims to give “children and young people unbiased, scientifically correct information on all aspects of sexuality”.
However, a scientific study involving over a thousand ninth-graders was conducted last year in the US, showing that abstinence from sexual activity until marriage is in fact the best way to avoid teen pregnancies and STI.