Donate to Hannah Petersen’s mission to end mask mandates for kids at
June 10, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – In the latest episode of The Ladies of LifeSite, Hannah Petersen joins Rebekah, Maddie, and Lisa to share her story of fighting masks in Polk County, Florida schools. She is a mother of school-age children and started the campaign after an incident with her second grade son.
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During the entire school year, with the schools closed to parents and volunteers, Petersen was not fully aware how far the restrictions went. She describes how after dropping something off for her son, she noticed kids running around during physical education with masks on. “I see all these kids outside second graders during P.E. with masks on, and it was so hot that day and so humid.”
After talking with her child about this, Petersen’s son told her how his coach yelled at him for removing his mask to breathe while running laps in the 90-degree heat. She states that if a child takes the face covering off, “then they're yelled at across the courts by the coach through a megaphone.”
Petersen began to speak with other parents in the school, and they explained that their children were experiencing the same problems with the same teacher. Today, these parents are fighting the mask requirement, which is still in place in some Florida schools and cities, despite mask mandates being ended by Governor Ron DeSantis.
You can help Petersen’s mission to save children from the effects of mask mandates through this LifeFunder campaign. LifeFunder is LifeSite’s Christian, pro-life, and pro-family crowdfunding alternative to GoFundMe.
Petersen believes that the policy of mandating masks for children is hurting the physical and mental health of these youth, who are in little to no danger of getting the coronavirus or being hospitalized with it, according to data from the CDC. She notes that these regulations have created a “normalization” of masks for kids.
To learn more or support the work Hannah Petersen and Stop Masking Kids are doing visit this link. For information about the partnering organization County Citizens Defending Freedom, click here.
Donate to Hannah Petersen’s mission to end mask mandates for kids at
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