WASHINGTON, D.C., April 3, 2013 (LifeSiteNews.com) – After Democrats waged a relentless war accusing any candidate who opposes funding Planned Parenthood of waging a “war on women,” Republican National Committee Chair Reince Priebus is asking members of the party if they will distance themselves from a spokesman's recent endorsement of infanticide.
Alisa LaPolt Snow, a lobbyist for the Florida Alliance of Planned Parenthood Affiliates, told the Florida House of Representatives this month that if a baby is born and struggling for its life as a result of a botched abortion, the leaders of Planned Parenthood “believe that any decision that’s made should be left up to the woman, her family, and the physician.”
“The President, the Senate Majority Leader, the House Democratic Leader, and the Chair of the Democratic National Committee (in whose home state this hearing occurred) made funding Planned Parenthood an issue in the 2012 campaign,” Priebus wrote in an entry posted on RedState.com. “They should now all be held to account for that outspoken support. If the media won’t, then voters must ask the pressing questions: Do these Democrats also believe a newborn has no rights? Do they also endorse infanticide?”
“Some may not believe life begins at conception, but don’t we all agree life begins at birth?” he asked.
Priebus wrote, “In the last election, Republicans were repeatedly asked about whether they supported cutting funding to Planned Parenthood. It’s time Democrats are asked whether they still support funding an organization that refuses to care for a newborn,” he wrote.
Over the years, the relationship between the Democratic Party and Planned Parenthood has been increasingly comfortable and financially lucrative.
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Planned Parenthood spent $15 million in the 2012 election cycle, including millions supporting President Barack Obama and attacking Republican Mitt Romney. The organization's president, Cecile Richards, literally campaigned door-to-door for Obama on election day.
In the 2011-12 fiscal year Planned Parenthood received a record amount of taxpayer funding, more than half-a-billion dollars – $542.4 million. It also performed a record number of abortions, 333,964.
Obama has repeatedly delivered federal tax dollars to Planned Parenthood by doing an end-run around state laws in Texas, Tennessee, and New Hampshire that had cut off funding to the abortion giant.
Obama had supported the abortion lobby's most extreme agenda items since his days as an Illinois state senator. Obama opposed a born-alive infant protection bill on numerous occasions.
Immediately after the election, Richards made a pitch for Republican support in a Huffington Post article. Priebus' article is a sign the RNC leadership has rejected the olive branch.
Priebus, who calls himself “a proud pro-life Republican,” called the lack of reporting on national television about the Planned Parenthood representatives support for infanticide “a prime example of media bias.”
The article sounds a different note than a widely criticized GOP post-election “autopsy,” contained in a 100-page report of the party's “Growth and Opportunity Project.”
“When it comes to social issues, the Party must in fact and deed be inclusive and welcoming,” the report states. “If we are not, we will limit our ability to attract young people and others, including many women, who agree with us on some but not all issues.”