(LifeSiteNews) — Doctors who support the chemical and surgical mutilation of gender-confused individuals, including kids, are being sued in two separate lawsuits.
Law firm Campbell Miller Payne is representing two clients in separate suits, one of which names the American Academy of Pediatrics as a co-defendant. One woman suffered from gender confusion while another had “dissociative identity disorder” but did not actually have gender dysphoria.
The Rhode Island state lawsuit on behalf of Isabelle Ayala alleges Dr. Michelle Forcier and Dr. Jason Rafferty placed Ayala and other gender-confused individuals on “a conveyor belt of life-altering puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and/or experimental surgeries.”
Isabelle believed she was a boy, but also had untreated depression and anxiety. She attempted suicide six months after she began seeking care from the medical professionals, which included testosterone injections.
Both Forcier, a professor at Brown University’s medical school, and Rafferty, are prominent supporters of the chemical and surgical mutilation of children. Both also work at Lifespan Physician Group, a named defendant and a dominant medical care provider in Rhode Island.
Lifespan’s media director Kathleen Hart did not respond to a Wednesday morning inquiry that asked for comment on the lawsuit and how it ensures individuals understand the consequences of procedures, as well as what follow-up it conducts on adverse reactions.
The corporation works closely with Brown University and just recently signed a collaboration agreement with the Ivy League college. Rafferty also teaches at Brown.
Forcier famously appeared in Matt Walsh’s “What is a Woman” movie. She also worked as a Planned Parenthood abortionist and claimed “babies and infants understand differences in gender.”
She did not respond to a Wednesday morning email from LifeSiteNews that asked for comments on the allegations made against her in the two separate lawsuits as well as how she ensures individuals understand the risk of body-altering procedures. Rafferty did not respond to the same questions, either.
Rafferty drafted the American Academy of Pediatrics’ (AAP) “comprehensive care” statement which supported the genital and surgical mutilation of gender-confused kids.
The AAP is named in the lawsuit.
The attorneys wrote that their client Isabelle:
… is but one of an unknown but apparently growing number of children and adolescents who have been unknowing victims of a conspiracy entered into and perpetuated to the present day by certain ideologically captured individuals in positions of power at the American Academy of Pediatrics… which at the very least failed to exercise any degree of institutional control over those ideological actors whom it had empowered.
These individuals saw an opportunity to pioneer new guidance on an emerging field in pediatric medicine – the treatment of the rapidly increasing number of children and adolescents presenting as transgender and gender diverse—that would enshrine as authoritative their ideological beliefs.
Despite a lack of evidence in support of their experimental approach, “they nonetheless prepared and authored a ‘policy statement’ reviewed, approved, and published by Defendant AAP, proposing an entirely new model of treatment,” the lawsuit stated. This position paper “not only misrepresented or misleadingly presented its purported evidentiary support but was also rife with outright fraudulent representations.”
Other defendants are members of the “LGBT Health & Wellness Committee” within the AAP that drafted the statement. The lawsuit also names unidentified members of the committee who presumably contributed to its drafting.
The actions from medical professionals, following allegedly scientific guidance from the AAP, left Ayala damaged, the attorneys wrote.
“Isabelle is now twenty years old and longs for what could have been and to have her healthy, female body back,” the lawsuit stated.
The changes from testosterone “are a constant reminder that she needed an unbiased medical expert willing to evaluate her mental health and provide her the care she needed.” Instead she was underwent procedures from “a group of ideologues set on promoting their own agenda and furthering a broader conspiracy at her expense.”
She suffers from ongoing problems from the drugs, despite claims that transgender drugs are irreversible.
This include “excessive” body hair, “compromised bone structure,” and “has since contracted an autoimmune disease that only the males in her family have a history of.”
The lawsuit seeks “compensatory and punitive damages.”
Three AAP media relations members did not respond to a Wednesday morning email from LifeSiteNews that asked for comment on the lawsuit, safeguards to ensure vested interests do not dictate policy and if any further action would be taken, considering the regularity of de-transitioners filing lawsuits.
Law firm represents a woman with severe mental health disorders
The law firm also filed a lawsuit against Forcier and Rafferty for their handling of a North Carolina lesbian woman who suffered from “multiple personality disorder[s],” according to the Daily Mail. The law firm says the details “are too harrowing” to publish on its website, but provided a copy of the suit to The Daily Mail. She never had gender dysphoria.
Layton Ulery’s ordeal is “one of the worst instances of the willful ignorance of psychological red-flags by practitioners that we’ve encountered,” the law firm stated on their website. “[H]er case reflects just how far some doctors and therapists will deviate from the standard of care when focused only on pressing their personal transgender ideologies and agendas.”
When Ulery sought help, she was “inhabited by eight separate identities after almost two decades of abuse at the hands of a cult,” the Daily Mail reported.
Ulery did not even consider herself “transgender” when she first sought help for her “dissociative identity disorder.”
The outlet reported that her medical team was treating eight separate identities. She was consider “practically and legally disabled under Rhode Island law,” the lawsuit reportedly stated.
Her therapist and named defendant Julie Lyons “quickly pushed Ulery towards transgenderism,” because she had male alternative identities.
Lyons also allegedly took Ulery to “New Age” churches and encouraged Ulery to bring new patients to her in lieu of payment.
Subsequently, Ulery went to Rafferty for treatment, though he allegedly ignored red flags and continued to prescribe testosterone.
The Daily Mail reported:
Throughout her treatment, it is alleged that she frequently displayed ‘red flags’ that should have ‘put an immediate end to Layton’s transgender medicalization’, including that one of her ‘identities’ would sabotage her transition by cancelling scheduled appointments and deleting messages from her doctors.
Due to her memory loss brought on by DID, Ulery alleges that she did not know this at the time.
After telling Rafferty she was concerned about the side effects of the testosterone, his clinic stopped supporting her. She then went to Forcier at the suggestion of Lyons. Forcier also ignored the red flags and continued the hormone injections.
Eventually, Ulery obtained help for what was really body dysmorphia, though “damage from the years of testosterone was already done.”
The detailed experiences of minimal screening and little to no warning about side effects comports with other documented stories from “de-transitioners” as reported by LifeSiteNews.