
By Hilary White

  HAMILTON, April 11, 2007 ( – The executive of CUPE local 3906, issued an emailed  “safety notice” to members saying the union would support members who refused to work during what the union identified as the “intimidating” and “aggressive” demonstration by “radical anti-choice” women expressing their sufferings from past abortions at a Hamilton university.

  The email from the Canadian Union of Public Employees refers to a meeting at McMaster University, March 29 and April 3, with women speaking about their abortion experiences and sharing the medical and psychological after effects of abortion. The Silent no More presentation was arranged by the McMaster University pro-life student group, Lifeline. Speakers at Silent no More events are made available to talk privately with those who want to share their own abortion experiences.

  The notice from CUPE, that represents Teaching Assistants, Research Assistants in lieu of a TA, Sessional Lecturers, and hourly-rated Music Instructors at McMaster University said that it would support workers who decided not to go to work because the presentation made them “feel unsafe”.

  The National Post’s Jonathan Kay writes that not only does the government employees’ union feel that women should be afforded unrestricted access to abortion, but they “should be free to wallow in ignorance about the medical details such procedures entail, the sentience of the fetus thereby destroyed, and the moral arguments against abortion.

  Kay had short words for CUPE, notoriously supportive of abortion, homosexual “marriage” and the full roster of favourite social causes on the left. Kay called the memo “appalling” and “politically correct censorship.”

  Kay writes, “Given that the very livelihoods of the members of CUPE 3906 are based on the unfettered pursuit of knowledge enshrined in Canadian academic culture, why are members permitting their union executive to encourage a work stoppage in the name of ideologically-based censorship?”

  To contact CUPE local 3906:
  B108, Wentworth House
  McMaster University
  Hamilton, ON,
  L8S 4K1
  905-525-9140 ext. 24003
  [email protected]