HOUSTON, May 17, 2013 (LifeSiteNews.com) – More revelations like those made about Kermit Gosnell and Douglas Karpen will soon come to light, because abortion workers are beginning to “panic” that participating in infanticide could land them in jail, according to a veteran pro-life activist.
Mark Crutcher of Life Dynamics, Inc. appeared on “Focal Point” with Bryan Fischer on the AFR Talk Radio Network Friday afternoon to say the nightmarish testimony of the last few months is only the tip of the iceberg.
Assistants and employees at abortion clinics who “have been involved in these things are starting to panic,” Crutcher said. “I know you're going to see more and more of these people coming forward and…trying to make deals with prosecutors like some of those people in Pennsylvania probably wish they had.”
“One of the things that has gotten glossed over in the Gosnell situation is that not only did Gosnell get convicted of murder and he's going to spend the rest of his life in jail, [but] eight of his employees got convicted of crimes,” Crutcher said.
Several of Gosnell's employees pleaded guilty to murder charges. Gosnell's closest associate, his wife Pearl, pleaded guilty to multiple charges in 2011.
On the same day that Gosnell was found guilty of three counts of first-degree murder, the jury convicted his assistant Eileen O'Neill of practicing medicine without a license.
Crutcher said the gruesome practices and disregard for the law served as a wake-up call to employees, who do not wish to be accessories to murder. “They're seeing things, [and] they're thinking, 'Man, I don't know if we ought to be getting mixed up in this,'” he said.
His organization, Life Dynamics, videotaped horrifying testimony from three former employees of Houston abortionist Dr. Douglas Karpen, who has been dubbed “Texas' Gosnell.”
Deborah Edge, Krystal Rodriguez, and Gigi Aguilar said Karpen would twist the heads off living babies with his bare hands, insert instruments into the soft spot of their cranium, or choke them with his finger.
After playing a portion of the tape that detailed Karpen's history of decapitation, the talk show host seemed incredulous. “Can that be possible? Is that possibly true?” Fischer asked.
“It's absolutely true,” Crutcher responded.
If anything, the incidence of abortionists killing newborns outside the womb is increasing, by design, the pro-life activist stated.
Crutcher said when he began getting reports from inside abortion facilities decades ago, all the instances of babies being born alive were unintentional. “They called it, 'the dreaded complication,'” he said. “They didn't want it.”
“Now it's commonplace,” he said. “It's not only easier for [the abortionists], but it reduces their exposure to medical malpractice,” as they can avoid “introducing sharp instruments into the woman's uterus.”
Abortionists may “hope that the inducement causes the fetal demise,” he said, “but if it doesn't, then they're gonna kill the baby outside the womb.”
“I can tell you from experience, being undercover in the abortion industry that this issue of babies being born alive is an exploding situation in that industry,” Crutcher told the AFR Talk network. “These are not babies who are accidentally born alive.”
“This is the natural extension of the pro-abortion mentality,” he said. “It was inevitable that we would get to this point.”
Pro-life activists have told LifeSiteNews.com they know of even worse offenses that those of Dr. Karpen that have not yet been revealed.
Crutcher said, “There's going to be more of these cases come out, and there's going to be even more horrible things come out in the future, things that you and I can't imagine.”
Referencing the Karpen case, he asked Fischer, “You couldn't have imagined this a year ago, right?”
“The Kermit Gosnells of this world are the intellectually honest” members of the pro-abortion movement, Crutcher said. “Philosophically, what they're saying is, 'If we're going to kill this baby anyway, what difference does it make if it's inside the womb or outside the womb? It's the same baby, right?'”
Operation Rescue recently sent a postcard to abortion facilities all over the country telling its workers and assistants, “Don't go to jail for something your employer is doing or told you to do!”
In the Karpen case, Operation Rescue, the Alliance Defending Freedom, and Abby Johnson's And Then There Were None helped the women leave the abortion industry and tell their story.
The workers are often themselves motivated by a painful emotional history, mental health issues, or economic necessity. “Many of these people came into the abortion industry truly thinking they could help someone,” David Bereit of 40 Days for Life told Canadian March for Life Youth Conference in Ottawa last Friday. “And there are many other people in the abortion industry who just do it because it's a job and it helps pay the bills. But it's a miserable job.”
Houston prosecutors are now investigating the actions at Aaron Women’s Clinic on Schumacher Lane, one of three abortion facilities Karpen owns in the area.