
THE HAGUE, NOV 23 ( – Holding a press conference at the COP-6, the sixth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Climate Treaty, the Science and Environmental Policy Project has shown that the world’s climate has not warmed in sixty years. Headed up by Professor Fred Singer, a meteorologist at the University of Virginia, the group’s analysis of reliable climate data flies in the face of claims by the UN- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The findings are in accord with temperature data from boreholes and from proxy data (tree rings, corals, ice cores, ocean sediment analyses); it also accords with observed glacier melting, sea ice thinning, and sea-level rise)

The presentation noted that it is generally accepted that enactment of greenhouse gas emission cuts, as envisioned by the Kyoto Protocol, would be completely ineffective.

Professor Singer says that the claimed IPCC scientific consensus does not exist. “The IPCC is not a group of scientists at all but a UN-sponsored office, with UN staff. While competent scientists work on the report itself, the anonymously drafted Summary for Policymakers is a political document, controlled by a handful of government scientists who quote from the report selectively” In the presentation, attention was drawn to the statements of independent scientists around the world in opposition to exaggerated climate scares and the Kyoto Protocol: Heidelberg Appeal (1992, over 4000 scientists); Leipzig Declaration (1996, over 100 climate scientists); Oregon Petition (1998, over 17,000 scientists).

Global warming has been one of the reasons given by de-population advocates to justify their calls for a massive, urgent decrease in the world’s population in order to “save the planet” from environmental catastrophe.

See the report at: and the coverage in the London Telegraph at: