
LIMA, September 9, 2004 ( – The population control agencies of the United Nations have had persistent resistance from many Latin American countries who have steadfastly refused to allow abortion in any form. According to a recent interview with Enrique Ezcurra, a bureaucrat from the Department of Reproductive Health and Research, the World Health Organization (WHO) is preparing a document to prove that the Morning After Pill (MAP) has no effect on implantation.

A standard tool of their activities, MAP has been shown conclusively to prevent the already created child from implanting in the lining of the uterus. The myth of ‘emergency contraception’ has been very successful in marketing the drug in North America and Europe where there is little popular perception of abortion as wrong. However, public perception in such historically Catholic countries as Peru, Chile and Mexico has not allowed an easy acceptance. Dr. Ezcurra claims that the document in preparation will end any debate on whether MAP causes abortion.  A study produced by WHO, UNFPA, and United Nations Development Program explicates their plan for overcoming resistance to MAP from more ‘conservative Catholic’ countries. Interestingly, the article commends the ‘progressive’ Catholic millieu in Brazil which allows the use of MAP in its national health programmes. The study identifies the target groups as lower class adolescents and teenage mothers in ‘economically deprived areas.’ Historically, the population control movement has made no secret of its intention to eradicate the poor as a solution to poverty.

In the mid-nineteen sixties US medical organizations that wanted to overcome the opposition of Catholic doctors to the hormonal birth control pill succeeded by simply re-writing the scientific definition of pregnancy. Pregnancy would now be defined as beginning at implantation, not at fertilization.

In a strategy that belies claims to scientific commitment, the WHO is now attempting to impose its abortionist agenda by re-writing the scientific facts. However, Dr. Ezcurra and WHO are going to have a difficult time undoing their own work. On page 18 of a document presented in Geneva in 2001 by Dr. Ezcurra, he clearly shows that part of the action of the drug is to prevent implantation.  Interview with Enrique Ezcurra: (in Spanish)  Latin American MAP acceptability study:   Dr. Ezcurra’s 2001 presentation:   See the revealing Extra Special Report THE INHERENT RACISM OF POPULATION CONTROL Document reveals the why of attacks against life and family over past decades   ph