LONDON, October 17, 2003 ( – The Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, has come out against the appointment of a practicing homosexual as an Anglican Bishop. The US Anglican diocese of New Hampshire has refused to halt the consecration of homosexual minister Gene Robinson as a Bishop, which will take place November 2. An emergency meeting to discuss the crisis over the U.S. bishop-elect and another Anglican Bishop in Canada who is also refusing to heed the direction of the worldwide Anglican leadership asking him to refuse to bless homosexual ‘marriages’ ended without resolution. “Undoubtedly there is a huge crisis looming,” Williams said. “This will tear the fabric of our communion at its deepest level, and may lead to further division,” said a joint statement from the Anglican leadership. Williams who, prior to his becoming the leader of the Anglican church, defended homosexual clergy, was asked if Robinson should become bishop even if he remains a sexually-active homosexual. He responded, “No I don’t”. Gregory Venables, a high-ranking archbishop, said plainly, “There will be a split, there is no other option.” See the AFP coverage:
World Leader of Anglicans Acknowledges Massive Split Coming Over ‘Gay’ Bishop
LONDON, October 17, 2003 ( – The Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, has come out against the appointment of a practicing homosexual as an Anglican Bishop. The US Anglican diocese of New Hampshire has refused to halt the consecration of homosexual minister Gene Robinson as a Bishop, which will take place November 2. An emergency meeting to discuss the crisis over the U.S. bishop-elect and another Anglican Bishop in Canada who is also refusing to heed the direction of the worldwide Anglican leadership asking him to refuse to bless homosexual ‘marriages’ ended without resolution. “Undoubtedly there is a huge crisis […]