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(LifeSiteNews) — On this week’s episode of The Bishop Strickland Show, Bishop Joseph Strickland started off by explaining the meaning of a tweet in which he called on Americans to “wake up to the lies flowing out of Washington, D.C., very quickly.”

“There’s too much acting as if everything’s fine and we’re just humming along, doing our thing,” he said. “No, we don’t need to panic, because Christ has conquered evil. But we need to speak up in the face of evil. We need to speak the truth.”

He also admonished both world and Church leaders to be “very careful” about the power they exercise and the influence they possess.

“Any real power, as Jesus says in the Gospels, in heaven and on earth has been given to Him. Any power that we wield, we better do it responsibly because it ultimately comes from God,” he said. “And if we use it irresponsibly, that brings damnation on us and too many innocent people.”

His Excellency then tied this directly to Russia’s war against Ukraine.

“And that’s what we’re seeing unfold now, as always in times of war innocent people suffer, children, women, innocent people that have done nothing,” he said.

Bishop Strickland is on a roll and there’s plenty more he has to say, so listen to this week’s episode by watching the video above or clicking here.

To watch all previous episodes of The Bishop Strickland Showclick here to visit LifeSite’s Rumble page dedicated to The Bishop Strickland Show.

