Editor’s Note: This article was written before the FDA advisory committee endorsed Pfizer’s injection for children aged 5-11.
This story was originally published by the WND News Center
(WND News Center) – As an FDA advisory panel prepares to decide whether or not to recommend the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for young children, Yale epidemiologist Dr. Harvey Risch is advising parents to remove their children from any public school that forces students to get the shots.
Risch said Sunday night in an interview that children with serious chronic conditions “should be considered for vaccination.”
“Other than that, if it were my child, I would homeschool them,” he told Fox News host Mark Levin.
Risch is a professor of epidemiology in the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at the Yale School of Public Health and Yale School of Medicine. A former member of the board of editors for the American Journal of Epidemiology, he is an author of more than 350 original peer-reviewed research publications.
“Honestly, I would organize with other parents to take them out of the school and create homeschooling environments,” Risch said.
“There’s no choice. Your child’s life is on the line.”
He acknowledged that vaccination “is not a high risk that’s going to kill every child.”
“However, it’s enough of a risk, that on the average the benefit is higher for homeschooling than it is for vaccination and being in school.”
CDC statistics show children generally do not spread COVID-19 and have little risk of any adverse effects. The seasonal flu is more deadly among children than COVID-19, and the swine flu one decade ago was six times more deadly. The survival rate for children under age 20 who get COVID, according to the CDC, is 99.998%. And CDC Director Rochelle Walensky admitted in August the vaccines had become ineffective in stopping the spread of the virus.
An FDA advisory panel is scheduled to meet Tuesday to discuss Pfizer’s emergency use authorization request to administer its vaccine to children ages 5 to 11. A briefing document posted by the FDA in preparation for the meeting acknowledged that clinical trials have not addressed the potential risk of myocarditis in that age group.
The risk will be studied after authorization, according to the document, in five “post-authorization safety studies,” including a five-year, “follow-up study” to evaluate the long term risk of heart inflammation.
The risk of myocarditis was cited last month by an FDA advisory panel that voted 16-2 against Pfizer booster shots for people 16 to 65. Last week, the FDA delayed its decision on administration to young people of the Moderna vaccine.
Pfizer and Moderna employ the messenger RNA technology, which “teach” cells to make a protein that triggers an immune response rather than inserting a live virus, as do traditional vaccines. The FDA is planning to review the data regarding myocarditis further before making a decision, the Wall Street Journal reported.
Sweden, Finland and Norway have halted the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine for younger people, and Iceland has stopped administering the shot to everyone, as WND reported. Earlier this month, France’s health authority advised against using the Moderna vaccine because of the myocarditis risk.
‘When the people rebel’
In the interview Sunday night, Risch noted that the public is paying attention to the thousands of public and private employees who are quitting rather than be forced to take the vaccine.
Companies and local governments are having a hard time replacing those employees, he said, “so those policies are being rethought.”
“When the people rebel because of their own interest, then it has to be reckoned,” he said.
Levin noted the inconsistent messaging of public health officials, including CDC Director Rochelle Walensky saying last week that children who are vaccinated will still need to masks and White House coronavirus adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci’s “endless contradictions” in his many media appearances.
“This has to be one of the worst year-and-a-half, two-year periods of information provided [to] the American people by the so-called scientific and medical community that I can remember,” he said.
Risch replied that the health community is “a top-down structure, and most doctors do not get their information by going back to the original studies and making up their own minds.”
“They get fed the information from pharma reps or from what they’re told by society, and the conflicts are legion,” he said.
“So it’s no surprise that most doctors don’t pay attention and think what they’re told (to think).”
See Risch’s remarks:
Yale Epidemiology Professor Dr. Harvey Risch says he would pull a healthy child out of public school and homeschool before he gave them this vaccine. pic.twitter.com/cfqeA61BvD
— Sara Gonzales (@SaraGonzalesTX) October 25, 2021
Risch has battled the government and scientific establishment on its disregard for the power of natural immunity as well as its discrediting and even demonization of cheap, safe and effective treatments for COVID-19, including in testimony before the U.S. Senate.
He wrote in a column for Newsweek in July 2020 that he is “accustomed to advocating for positions within the mainstream of medicine, so have been flummoxed to find that, in the midst of a crisis, I am fighting for a treatment that the data fully support but which, for reasons having nothing to do with a correct understanding of the science, has been pushed to the sidelines.”
“As a result, tens of thousands of patients with COVID-19 are dying unnecessarily,” he said.
His reference was to hydroxychloroquine, which he addressed in an article in the American Journal of Epidemiology that analyzed five studies, “demonstrating clear-cut and significant benefits to treated patients, plus other very large studies that showed the medication safety.”
‘People become immune by surviving infection’
In May, the FDA issued guidance stating a vaccine is still needed to confirm immunity from the COVID-19 virus. The agency said “antibody tests should not be used at this time to determine immunity or protection against COVID-19 at any time, and especially after a person has received a COVID-19 vaccination.”
At the time, Risch pointed to the empirical study data contradicting that claim. That included a massive study in Israel finding that people who had tested positive for the novel coronavirus in the previous three or more months had many times more protection against new infection, hospitalization and death as vaccinated people.
“People become immune by surviving infection,” argued Risch.
In an email to WND at the time, he explained that serum antibodies and T-cell antibodies – the white blood cells that attack infections – demonstrate past history of infection.
Risch said the FDA is correct that antibodies from infection are not the same as post-vaccination antibodies. But this is irrelevant, he contended.
“These natural antibodies are proof of past infection,” said Risch. “Past infection is extremely strong evidence of immunity.”
Reprinted with permission from the WND News Center